Chapter 00

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It was official. Anthony Stark was the biggest douchebag on the planet.

He awoke that morning, hungover, in his apartment in LA. Tony can vaguely recall it was Wednesday. What had he been doing last night? It was something about party...Tony had been with some friends getting drunk. He couldn't remember why they all went out for drinks on a Tuesday, maybe it was just another one of their 'drink because we're not getting in trouble' things. His coffee machine at least worked, but Tony had used up the last of his creamer yesterday so what was even the point?

Tony had graduated from MIT a few months ago, so he had nothing to do with his 'formative years' beside using his fake ID to buy drinks for his buddies. It was either that, or listen to his dad complain about how he was wasting his potential. Tony didn't see the problem. He was having fun. He didn't want to end up like his dad, with a huge stick up his ass and making his son live up to Captain America. Just thinking about that humanized American flag made Tony want to be blackout drunk again.

So what if he partied these years? When his dad died, Tony would still be named head of the Stark company. His mother would never let his dad write him out like that, not without calling Tony first. Tony definitely had issues with his dad, but his mom was always someone he knew liked him.

At this point, he was just an ordinary douchebag.

Until Tony went to his apartment door, looking for the morning edition (He liked the funnies, and hoped to read something embarrassing about his dad). Until he saw the wrapped up thing on his 'doorstep'. Until it started crying, loudly.

Tony, having no idea what a baby was doing here, checked the hallway. If someone had dropped this off, they were long gone now. Who would even leave it here? It couldn't be his, who even knew he lived here? You know, besides his mom and friends...and the dozens of one night stands Tony had since moving in. Okay a lot of people knew where he lived.

The baby wailed again. He should get that under control first.

Tony brought the baby into his apartment. It didn't even come with one of those baby carrier things, so he put it on the couch.

That was when he saw the note.

'Tony' It said on the front.

He'll admit, he was dreading whatever the letter was saying. The son of the billionaire could already tell it was something he wouldn't like. Tony could already see his dad's angry expression and his mom's disappointed one.

Tony knew he just had to rip off the bandaid. He picked up the letter, all the while the baby still cried. Didn't they have an off switch?


Oh yeah, this letter was for him. He was worried for a second there.

'Asshole, you probably have no idea who I am. I was just another one of your conquests, so it doesn't really matter does it? Anyway, guess what, that's your daughter. No way am I going to be responsible for your spawn. It'll probably be just like you. She was born on Sunday, four in the freaking morning. Good luck sleeping around with this.

Signed, Eff you Stark'

Tony dropped the letter, unsure of what to do now. He looked over the still crying kid, and it was that moment he became the biggest douchebag on the planet.

He didn't want to keep her either.


Unfortunately for Tony, his father wouldn't give him that option. Tony had to raise the little Stark, and still go through college. It was the least he could do after he was stupid enough to get some girl pregnant (if Tony did the math right it was around Christmas break. It was a huge party at the frat house, and he couldn't remember for the life of him who he had gone home with)

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