Chapter 13

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Storming into the mansion, I tossed my workout bag on the floor. My Night Mistress suit was inside.

"Welcome back, Becky."

"Don't sass me, Uncle JARVIS." I pointed a warning finger at the ceiling. "I'm in one of my bad moods this morning." My leg was smarting just a bit from when I hit one of the goons with my thigh. Fun tip: don't do that.

"I shall make a note of that. Is the same mood, or different from the previous three days?"

"I'm...not gonna answer that." I reached up to my hair to pull it in a ponytail. "So what's gone wrong? You called me because To-Dad was freaking out."

"Sir is downstairs in the lab."

"Is the door 'mysteriously' locked again?"

"No. He requested your presence." JARVIS admitted.

I raised an eyebrow at the ceiling. Walking towards the lab to the stairs, I spoke over the loud music bleeding through the glass wall.

"He lifted the ban again? Much faster than last time."

"In Sir's defense, you did cause one of the rockets to explode."

"Dum-E hit me with the fire extinguisher, okay?!" I defended myself.

JARVIS had no reply.

"Whatever. What does the Great Tony Stark need me for?"

"Fire safety."

"Of course he does."


Tony was standing in the middle of the launch pad. The fire extinguisher was in my hand, locked and loaded. Dum-E was off to the side, despondent, making a smoothie.

"Day eleven, test thirty-seven, configuration 2.0." Tony reported. "Due to a complete disregard for human life, Becky is on fire safety."

I clicked my tongue. "I don't know, my opinion of you is low right now." I smirked at him with all the grace a Stark had for smirking.

"If you douse me and I'm not on fire, I'm disowning you." Tony warned.

"Disown me and I tell Pepper." I countered, victoriously.

Tony's face twisted up for a split second. "Alright. Fine. Do what you want."

I snickered, propping my feet up on a nearby table. The fire extinguisher was aimed at Tony for safety reasons.

"All right, nice and easy." Tony held his arms out. I pulled out my Starkphone, pulling up the designs for my Night Mistress suit. "Seriously, just gonna start off with one percent thrust capacity. And three, two, one."

While he was flying I was adding some splotches of red to my suit. The outfit was looking better by the second.

"Okay." Tony congratulated himself. "What are you doing? You're on your phone. Are you even paying attention to me right now?"

"Totally paying attention." I replied without looking up from the phone. "If you start screaming in pain, then I know it's time to spray you."

Tony clapped his hands. He turned to Dum-E. "See that? That's how fire safety works." I snorted at him, paying more attention to the phone. "And again, let's bring it up to two point five. Three, two, one."

Meanwhile, I was working on my suit. It would need pockets (said every girl ever). So that meant I'd need a utility belt, which sucked. I hated restocking utility belts. It was such a pain.

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