Chapter 16

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"How are things on your end, Becky?"

"Who the hell is Becky? I'm Night Mistress."

There was some laughter. "You think you're funny."

"Screw you I'm hilarious." I mocked, flying in loops around the guy.

"What kind of name is Night Mistress anyway?" He asked, snarky.

"The kind of name you get when you're awesome." I snarked back. "You wouldn't know what that was like, so I get it."

"Hey I am more than awesome!"

"No you ain't!" I laughed, flying above him.

He whirled around too, so that he was facing me. "Okay let's get one thing straight. You're not as awesome as me."

"You're right. I'm awesomer." I teased, flying alongside him.

Iron Man shook his head, laughing into the comm. I laughed too. "Right. Look you're not nearly the- hold on, getting a call."

That made me laugh. "Backing out of the fight, more like."

With nothing better to do, I coasted alongside him. He had left his comm on so I was listening to the entire thing.

That's not weird.

That's just Stark.

"Hello?" Tony greeted.

"Tony?" Rhodes began in his ever so jolly mood.

"Who's this?" Tony replied, honestly just being an ass now.

"It's Rhodes."

"Sorry, hello?"

"I said it's Rhodes."

"Speak up, please."

I laughed at them. Tony waved his arm at me to shut me up. 'Like that was gonna work.'

"What in the hell is that noise?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm driving with the top down."

"Yeah, well, I need your help right now."

"It's funny how that works, huh?"

I snorted, also wiped a bug that had appeared on my cheek. 'Gross.'

"Yeah. Speaking of funny, we've got a weapons depot that was just blown up a few clicks from where you were being held captive."

"Well, that's a hot spot. Sounds like someone stepped in and did your job for you, huh?" He boasted.

'Way to sell us out, Tony.'

"Why do you sound out of breath, Tony?"

"I'm not, I was just jogging in the canyon."

"I thought you were driving."

"Right, I was driving to the canyon, where I'm going to jog." I laughed. "Shut up."

"You telling me to shut up Tony?"

"Not you, somebody else."

"You're jogging with somebody? Were they in the car too?"

"Nope. They're just...jogging."

"You sure you don't have any tech in that area I should know about?"

"Nope!" Tony lied.

"Okay, good, 'cause I'm staring at two right now, and they're about to be blown to kingdom come."

Night MistressWhere stories live. Discover now