Chapter 19

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There was a lot of pain in dying.

I should know. I've died about four times now.

The first time I died, I didn't feel it at first. There was this sound of meat slicing. Blood rushed in my ears. The pain came soon after. It sent a foreboding chill through my body. As the ship I was in was crashing the pain became more clear.

When I woke up, I was Home. There was a horrible scar on my stomach to prove that it wasn't my imagination. I still screamed in pain for a long time after. Scared the Spencers out of their wits.

The next few times were much less fun. You think dying once would get you used to it- or at least prepare you. But no. It just made you that much more scared when it happened again.

Well. I guess if it never prepared me, I better start making it prepare me.

Last time I was stabbed, there were different sorts of pain. This burned a lot more than that. Like...actually burned.

I looked down at the wound. Side note: you were never really sure about where the wound was. It kinda made a lot of the area around it numb. Right now I knew it was in my gut based no the numbness, and that was where I lost sight of Stane's hand.

Sure enough I had a hole in my stomach. There was a hole in my shirt too- soaked in red. With a pain filled grunt I lifted myself to my elbows. I growled through clenched teeth while my hand pulled the shirt back.

The wound should have closed by now- sure enough do it has. There was still blood all around it. The veins around it were a sickly dark color that is think about later.

"Fuck." I murmured to myself. "That's- that's not good."

Then I fell back on the floor. It hurt as I dropped like a weighted brick at sea.

'I guess that explains the burning.' I thought. 'Poison. Smart move, Stane. Gonna make it fun to kill you now.'

Beside me, I heard a wheeze. Turning my head was easier than the rest of my body. I saw Tony crawling towards the stairs. He was watching me though.

I tried to lift my head- but apparently even that was too taxing. He reached an arm towards me.

"Go get your heart back." I ordered. "I know...what to do. Gotta...cough."

Tony clenched his teeth.

"Go." I ordered, more stern. 'If you die trying to save me, I'll kill you.'

Tony didn't like the plan. Not one bit. He started to crawl towards me.

"Stop it!" I hissed. "It's stupid! Don't be stupid!"

Tony grunted.

"I won't...have you...die."

But he was still crawling towards me.


I coughed. A gross sickly wet cough that should only be allowed in realities where zombies are a thing. My throat was burning now. It sucked. It was like vomiting- holy shit this is what hairballs were like for cats.

As Tony continued to crawl to me, I coughed out again. Fuck did this hurt.

The healing I had closed the wound- slowly I'll admit. By the time it did, the poison had no way out but through me. I was coughing out poison.

Again, this should only exist in zombie movie realities. This was bullshit.

"Go." Growled me, the numb feeling going away to just leave pain pain pain painpainburningpain. "You need it. I'll-" A hacking cough came up from me throat. I felt sicker than before. "-cough it out."

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