Chapter 21

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Sure enough, the interview was going to happen later than that. On national television. Live.


I sat on a couch, watching the press go on with Rhodey on the stage. In my hand was my phone, open to the texting app. Happy and I had been texting all morning- mostly that I was okay, so was Dad, and so was Pepper. He was on an errand for me (well for the two beside me but mostly for me).

The scraps and injuries of gotten last night were completely healed by the time I woke up this morning, another victory for super healing. So there was no additional makeup needed for me, beyond what was necessary for TV which I'd already gotten done. My outfit was also this great bright red pantsuit, with long sleeves and long pant legs. I liked the color. Go Gryffindors!

Tony was sitting beside me. He had no super healing to speak of, so he was fixing his own makeup. Pepper had makeup out, touching up the injuries over until they would be hidden from unwanted eyes.

"You've all received the official statement of what occurred at Stark Industries last night. There have been unconfirmed reports that a robotic prototype- aided by a masked vigilante- malfunctioned and caused damage to the arc reactor. Fortunately, a member of Tony Stark's personal security staff-"

"'Iron Man'. That's kind of catchy." Tony remarked, scanning through the paper.

I grinned at my own image on the paper. Someone had gotten a shot of the two of us after the bus explosion. So I was literally on fire in that.

"It's got a nice ring to it." Tony went on, because Pepper was definitely tuning him out by now. "I mean, it's not technically accurate. The suit's a gold-titanium alloy, but it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway."

"Night Mistress. It just flows off the tongue." I remarked. Tony grimaced. "It does!"

"It's stupid." Tony countered.

"You're stupid."

"You're both children." Pepper scolded. "Tony hold still."

"Yes ma'am." Tony sat diligently as Pepper continued fixing up his face. He glanced down at the paper in his hands. "Interesting that they call Night Mistress a 'vigilante', right Becky?"

"Of course." I replied, not at all paying attention. "Totally weird."

"You wouldn't actually go out and fight gangs, right?"


Tony folded the newspaper. "Except you have." He pointed with his thumb to the TV behind us. "Rhodey just said-"

"Okay yes. I'm a vigilante who beat up the three toughest and two weakest gangs in town." I admitted. "You blow up your own lab, and beat up a terrorist cell. Which I helped with!"

"You invite yourself-"

"Here's your alibis." Agent Coulson stated, walking up and handing us a pile of flash cards. Most went to Tony, with a small handful coming to me.

"Okay." Tony agreed. He began looking them over.

I glanced at mine.

"Both of you were on your yacht." Agent Coulson continued.



"We have port papers that put you in Avalon all night, and sworn statements from 50 of your guests." Agent Coulson added.

"See, I was thinking maybe we should say it was just Pepper and me alone on the island." Tony suggested.

"And that I was even further away, watching a movie at home." I voted. "While doing last minute paperwork for the office."

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