Chapter 07

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AN: I heard some the cliffhanger last chapter. To that I say, *ahem* 'ha haha ha ha'.

Mentions of suicide. Self harm. Just a caution. If it's not your cuppa tea, then you can just skip this chapter.

If you thought the last chapter was me prove you wrong.


Tony was losing his mind.

They had been locked up in that place for five hours, with no word on Becky. He wouldn't work without her there. Sure, Yinsen was a good assistant, but Tony had to admit it was fun working with Becky.

Yinsen had said something that kept playing over in Stark's head. 'That is your legacy. Those are the shoes Becky will fill for you one day.' He didn't want selling weapons to terrorists to be that, to have the Stark name associated with that, and he didn't want that on Little Beaky Becky's shoulders.

Tony realized it had been the first time he had called her that since she was six.

He wasn't the nostalgic type, or the whole lovey dovey thing. His mom wanted him to watch Becky, to keep her safe, and he can't even do that. Tony agreed to bring her into the Middle East, what had he been thinking? What father in their right mind brought their daughter to Afghanistan? For a weapons deal?

He didn't know she could speak Arabic, or that she was good with tech. Tony didn't know a thing about his daughter. She had been growing without her he had. Tony swore he'd never turn into his father; workaholic who never cared about spending time with his kid. What had happened?

So when they finally brought her back in, he knew he had to be a better father.

They carried her in half dead. They just dropped her on the closest cot then vanished like ghosts.

Her nose was leaking a trail of blood. Her skin, already a bit pale from so long in a cave, was a gross sick grey. Her black and white outfit was half burnt, half blood soaked. There were holes in the shirt that looked a lot like bullet holes. Tony bet that this was what he looked like before Becky gave him a fake heart.

Tony didn't like any of it. It was just the sort of 'punch in the face' stuff he hated.

"She's hurt." Yinsen reminded. He brought over some cloths. He gave them a few drops of water, cleaning the dirt and blood off her face. "We must find where ."

"...blood's not mine..." Becky mumbled.

Tony didn't believe that. There was too much blood, for one. She was only twenty, how could she have overpowered any of these guys enough to draw blood?


Becky was only getting sicker. She was way too pale, and her hair was always stuck to her forehead in a constant cold sweat. She was throwing up any food she ate, then retching when she had nothing left.

Tony was doing his best to help her. He was keeping her cool, he made her eat, he made her sleep, Tony even changed her clothes to a spare outfit she had hidden in her bag.

More than that, the girl was delirious half the time. She kept muttering about fate, and every now and then Tony heard her say 'not Morgan'.

He was worried about her. For the first time in Tony didn't know how long, he was worried about his daughter. He didn't want her to die. Not here. Not anywhere, actually.

Tony...Tony cared about her. He cared about his daughter. He could still remember the kid that ran into the house, screaming about bugs before building computer bugs.

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