Chapter 12

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Warning: Some period talk at the end. Nothing really graphic, just letting y'all know.


Day 1

I was annoyed.

More than annoyed, I was irritated.

Everything was just going wrong. I could see it. Ever since coming back, I was different.

There was something off about me.

There was too much wrong with me,.I knew that.

Everyone knew that.

Tony knew that.

Tony saw that.

Why else would he ground me from the lab?

The only reason I can see is that he thought I'd hurt myself.

Like I did in the Cave.

Honestly...I think he was right.

He was right to lock me out.

It's for the best.

I know I should would be better...

I'll give that a try.


Day 2

I hadn't slept a wink.

Even worse, nothing was wrong because of it.

I knew the aftereffects of going without sleep. I'd been to college, I'd pulled all-nighters aplenty. Going without sleep led to things I knew.

There was nothing to fill my time with. I could watch TV shows from last year, or movies I missed in the Cave. None of those sounded fun right now.

I could read. That was a good way to fill the days...except I can't. I need to be doing something with my hands.

This is too long without work.

Beneath my feet there was noise. Metal against metal against metal music. Sometimes I pressed my bare feet against the floor so I could feel the humming.

I missed it.


Day 3

I hate Tony Stark!

I hate him! I hate him! I HATE HIM!

There was nothing to do in this goddamn mansion!

JARVIS was against me too. He was on Tony's side. Neither of them wanted me to do anything.

I couldn't find any more tech. The TV was stuck on the news (which ended up always being the Starks) so I couldn't watch it. I hated the beach so that was a lost cause. All of my books weren't keeping my attention.

What I wouldn't give for some good Sherlock Holmes book right now...

Except I couldn't. Because I was locked out of everything for my own mental sanity.

JARVIS decided that.

Tony gave him the go ahead.

I hate being bored.

I hate Tony Stark.

I hate being Becky Stark.


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