Chapter 06

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Okay this chapter IS a bit dark. I'm sorry if anyone is hurt or angry about this.

Trigger warning: Child harm

To Envoy, due to circumstances I can't access my time machine, so this was the earliest I could update.


They put a bag over my head. It made me remember when Dad and I were first brought here. The tape they sent to Obadiah. The bag smelled like old shit. Loose sand rubbed against my face. My feet were tripping over various rocks and ditches so I had to avoid those. It was easier because I being dragged across them by two Ten Ring soldiers.

To keep myself from panicking, I thought back to my training at the FBI Academy. They trained us for hostile situations like this. It's saved my ass more than once. My heart beat was making an echo in my head.

Obadiah was getting his ass kicked if I ever made it out of here.

If not, well then my ghost would kick his ass.

After five minutes of walking, they moved me into a new room. I was pushed onto my knees. The skirt hiked up, exposing my knees to the harsh dirt. My knees stung with fresh cuts. The guards around him were glaring at me. Their guns were all aimed at me. I kept myself silent. Adrenaline started going through me, preparing for a fight if need be.

The burlap sack was pulled off my head. When my eyes adjusted to the lamplight, I found myself in the room Tony and I's random video had been made. This time, Raza was standing in front of the Ten Ring carpet and I stood where the camera had been.

Raza eyed me.

"So many accomplishments, for a girl your age." Given the context, that wasn't a compliment. "Not many fathers around here would allow their daughters to learn as you have. Your father should be proud. You are so alike, and yet such opposites. You are an enigma, Rebecca Stark."

Okay that felt a bit more like a threat.

He seemed on edge. His fists were clenching on his sides. His nerves were spread throughout his team. Their fingers itches over triggers, watching me with all the cautiousness of a caged animal about to let loose.

"The history of the fates is a long one." Raza spoke. It was best to give him any advantage. My focus stayed on the dirt in front of me, refusing to look anywhere else. "There are the Norns of Norse mythology. The Morgana, from the Greeks and Romans."

I paled, freezing in my escapes and staring in shock at the dirt. It wasn't the first time I had heard my name outside of Home. Something about that struck a cord.

Raza grinned darkly at me. "You've heard of them, I take it."

"Greek history class." I lied, schooling my features to a cool mask. "Extra curricular for my degree-"

"It is pointless to lie to me." Raza stated. "I could kill your father and that other one with a single word."

My lips closed. He grinned darkly. It was jarring to hear my real name here, especially when it was from Raza. How could he possibly even have a hint at my name? The only people who had been close were psychics, or wise old men. It'd never been men with the desire to kill.

Yet hearing it again, a switch flipped in my head. Becky Stark took a step back, Morgan the ninety seven year old took control. The fearful glint in my eyes was replaced with cold steel.

"The Morgana are said to be three immortals who control fate." Raza began. I kept my eyes forward. "One to create life, one to decide the length of your life, and one to cut the thread."

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