Chapter 18

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I angrily attacked Bob the 21st with my bo staff.

This wasn't good. This wasn't good.

There wasn't one damn good thing going on right now.

"This is bullshit!" I whacked Bob the 21st. The dummy fell to it's side. Smacking it's head with the bo staff, I vented out my anger. "Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!"

JARVIS had alerted me that Agent Coulson had been was

I was still in my workout gear. Fuck I needed to change. Fuckfuckfuckfuck this was bad this was bad I hate this so fucking much.

Because despite all the shit I'd done to stall him, Obadiah Stane was still driving towards Stark Mansion.


JARVIS told me Stane was downstairs.

The first thing I did was freeze up in fear.

Just like I did the last fucking time he came to this house.

After a long pause, I snapped myself into gear.

Well not snapped.

I meant slapped.

I slapped myself into gear.

Because Stane was downstairs.

In my house.

Walking down the stairs, I saw Tony lying prone on the couch. His skin was going deathly pale. My first instinct was to rush at him, checking for a pulse. My second was to punch Stane in the face.

Tony caught sight of me. His eyes widened slightly. He darted his gaze towards a side wall. I knew that's where Stane was hiding.

I'd've waited on the stairs for him to lash out, but Tony was dying with each wasted second.

Hopping down the last few steps, I dodged Stane's quick attack. While he was shooting forward I slapped him on the back. Normally it would do nothing, except I'd been practicing tricks like this for a month. Stane fell to the ground, with a pain filled groan.

That handled, I walked toward the couch.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm gonna get-"

Tony looked back behind me. I whirled around, only to be met with the high pitched squealing of Stane's tech. He looked at me with distaste.

I fell to the floor, seeing bits of my skin turn white. I gasped for air, only to find myself unable to take it in.

"Have to get rid of the whole Stark line." Stane remarked. He rubbed the sore spot on his back as he got up. "Not leave anything to chance, this time. They said this metal would be strong enough to kill you."

Stane stuck the knife in my stomach. I choked in pain, unable to do more than just let it happen. He grinned darkly when I let out a pained whimper. He pulling out the knife. From the heavy flowing of blood pouring out, I got that he'd hit something important. Important enough they even with super healing I needed help fast.

Tony grumbled from the couch.

"What's wrong, Tony?" Stane asked. He stabbed my chest, still hitting something important based on the searing pain. "You never wanted her anyway."

I was too weak to look up, to see if Stane was telling the truth. I didn't see Tony looking panicked at my prone body, at seeing me just as I was in the cave. There was something fluid in my lungs. It took me a moment to figure out it was my blood.

"When I ordered the hit on you two, I worried that I was killing the golden goose and it's little chick." Stane stood up. He used a hankie to wipe the blood of the shiny metal knife, before tucking it away in his coat pocket. He walked towards Tony. "But, you see, it was just fate that you survived that. You had one last golden egg to give."

Based on the metallic sounds, Stane pulled the reactor out.

I growled. It came as garbled, blood flowing up from my lungs to my mouth. My body was burning in effort to correct the injury, but it only burned worse.

"Do you really think that just because you have an idea, it belongs to you? Your father, he helped give us the atomic bomb." Stane snarked to Tony. "Now, what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you?"

I was able to turn my head, to watch Stane stand over Tony with the arc reactor in hand. Oh I wish there was a gun in my hand...I'd kill him right now.

"Oh, it's beautiful." Stane praises, toying the device around in his hand. "Tony, this is your Ninth Symphony. What a masterpiece. Look at that. This is your legacy."

But Tony was staring at me. Eyes wide at me. I couldn't take in much air and I had two holes in my chest that were fighting being closed, and he had a literally hole in his heart, but he was worried about me.

"A new generation of weapons with this at its heart." Stane praised. 'Enjoy it while it lasts cause the second I stand up I'm gonna kill you.' "Weapons that will help steer the world back on course, put the balance of power in our hands. The right hands."

He glanced over at me. He walked over, pushing the toe of his shoe on an open wound. I choked out a noise of pain.

'Just for this-I'm going to drag your heart out through your kneecaps.'

"I don't know how you did it, but I know it was you." Stane remarked sinisterly. "It was impressive- I'll admit. Hacking into all my devices. That was." He laughed dryly. "That was good. I've been having my guys look at it- none of them can figure out how to shut it off. It keeps coming back. Like a weed." He dug his foot in again. "You're probably too young to know how to handle weeds. You gotta pull them out by the root to stop them."

'I will literally pull your foot off if you step on me again.'

He lifted the foot off me. He walked over to a briefcase that he had left on the coffee table. "I wish you could've seen my prototype." Stane remarked. He pushed the arc reactor inside the briefcase. "It's not as...Well, not as conservative as your father's." He sighed, clasping the case shut. "Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this. I would have preferred that she lived."

With that, Tony was officially on my 'Kill Stane' bandwagon.


AN: OOoh I've wanted to finish this scene since I started writing this fic. For some reason stabbing my characters brings me joy?? Why is that a thing?? Bah who cares.

There's only a few chapters left...I'm so excited.

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