Chapter 11

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In August, when things calmed down, we went to see Rhodey.

We'd been working on new designs for the new suit for most of the week. We stopped for the occasional bought of sleep and food (at JARVIS and Pepper's insistence). I hadn't been getting much sleep, the few hours I didn't were always nightmares.

This was our first time at base since the return. Not long after I made that connection my anxiety started rising. It was because of Dad that I didn't completely fall apart. Many anxiety attacks had been stopped by the sight of Robert Downey Jr. Who else can say that? I mean, he does have an inspiration story before his acting career, but besides that...

They told us Rhodey was leading a group of pilots through the hanger for training. The security checked out clearance then let us off on our merry way.

While the father was dressed like a rejected bad boy from Grease, I was wearing a sweatshirt. Perfect for California heat in early August. The sweater was red, and said Starfleet Academy on the front (It was accurate to TOS, since red was engineering and I have never felt more like a Starfleet Engineer then when I was building Mach One).

Either way, Tony Stark thought the shirt was funny.

"The future of air combat. Is it manned or unmanned?" Rhodey's voice echoed in the hanger. Tony and I followed it to find him with a large group of recruits behind a fighter jet. "I'll tell you, in my experience, no unmanned aerial vehicle will ever trump a pilot's instinct, his insight, that ability to look into a situation beyond the obvious and discern its outcome, or a pilot's judgment."

"Colonel?" Dad cut in. The training group turned to the sound. Rhodey turned too, except he was surprised to see me there. I smiled proudly. It didn't assure Rhodey to my being there at all. "Why not a pilot without the plane?" Dad asked.

"Look who fell out of the sky. Mr Tony and Ms Becky Stark." Rhodey greeted proudly.

"Hello, sir." A cadet greeted Dad.

"Ma'am." One cadet held his hand out to me.

I stared down at it, tilting my head just so. "Yeah, I don't shake hands. It's a thing. Did you know more germs pass between humans during a handshake? It's safer to kiss."

The cadet lowered his hand. The others looked at me with uneasy faces.

"Speaking of manned or unmanned, you gotta get him to tell you about the time he guessed wrong at spring break." Tony encouraged them. I giggled under my breath. "Just remember that, spring break, 1987. That lovely lady you woke up with."

The group started to snort at Rhodey.

Rhodey quickly caught on. "Don't do that!" He shook his head.

"What was his name?" Tony asked.

The cadets laughed.

"Don't do that." Rhodey pleaded.

"Was it lvan?" Dad teased.

"I miss Uncle Ivan. He made French toast." I chirped.

"Don't do that, Becks. Don't take his side." Rhodey instructed. He was scolding both of us at the same time, and I don't think he's ever really done that before. But their was relief in his eyes, a smile on the end of his lip. "They'll believe it. Don't do that."

"Okay." Tony shrugged.

"Whatever you say." I lifted my hands up innocently.

"Don't do that." Rhodey told us both.

"Pleasure meeting you." Tony told the group.

I waved. "Hope to see y'all again eventually."

"Give us a couple minutes, you guys." Rhodey instructed.

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