One-eye Willy

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This is Kate^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"Wow you be rocking that neon dress kate." I shout from inside my walk in closet. The theme of the roller rink is bright colors. I think I'm going to wear my puffy black skirt with a black 'v' neck long sleeve shirt and my shoes that light up at the bottom. I put it on and go to Kate and Shay sitting on my bed.

"What you think?" I say twirling a little. Kate looks at me and smile. While Shay looks at me and then just look away, gets up, and walks out.

"What was that?" I ask curious and concerned.

"Oh nonthing. I guess he is just a little shocked by your apperance." She said smirking. She knows how hard it is for me to like my apperance. Eh.. I will just change the subject.

"So are you ready to go Kate." I say straightening my shirt. She just kept staring into space. I wave a hand in front of her.

"Oh what? Sorry Skye just keep talking to me. Ya lets go." She said standing up.

Oh God it has been a while since Berry and I spoke. She is my wolf, and we never got along. She wanted me to be a normal wolf and stay in the pack and be perfect. And I just couldn't do that so I cut off our link. Well that was a sad trip down memory lane.
"Kya You owe me a favor. And I want your room." Brandon said from behind the counter of the food court of the rink.

"Why my room what's wrong with your room." I chuckle.

"Because one-eye Willy bared his gold under it. Why do you think he want it, its huge." Kate laughed out.

"Yeah so good luck with my room. I hope you like the smell of sweat." Brandon said walking away. I scrunch my face up before just letting it slide. I role around the roller rink until I spot Shay in the corner standing there. I role over to him.

"Why you so glum chum." I say pinching his face.

"Me and Ray are fighting.
Again." Shay sighed. Ray is his wolf. I take a seat next to him in the dark corner. I roll the wheels of my skates back and forward.

"Talk to me." I say leaning on his shoulder.

"I found my mate." He simply stated. "But I don't like her. I want to reject her. But I Dont want to be mean and deny faith. But my perfect girl isn't her." He hides his face in the palm of his hands.

"Just tell her. Both the mate and the girl. They both should know how you feel. But while rejecting her be gental and nice about it. Not rude and cold, ok?" I say putting a supportive hand on his shoulder. He slowly nods.

The song 'Dance in the dark' came on and I pulled him on his skates. "But for tonight lets dance." I say skating around to the rythem of the song.

I allways hoped that Shay and I would be mates. Even though I found my mate when I was fifteen. He rejected me loud and clear. I don't want to think about him. Time for more dancing.

After we all went to the roller rink. We came back to the pack house. Shay, Kate, Brandon, and I are sitting in my room.

"Brandon quit measuring my room." I roll my eyes.

"But I'm not because its MY room now." He said before going towards the window.

"Tonight was fun." Kate voice came from my closet.

"What are you doing." Shay scoffed.

"Looking for one-eye willys gold." I chuckle.

"Um, guys you might want to see this." Brandon said from the window. The closer I got the louder the howls became. There were other wolves on our territory. About 30 wolves trashing another one of our pack houses.

"Shay gather up at least 30 fighters." He nods and exits the room. "Kate gather up all the other pack houses for safty."

"On it." She said rushing out the room.

"Brandon check the cameras in all the pack houses on my laptop." without responding he dose as so.

Who could do this. I know no other packs like is but who would go as far as this.


Flames are the most noticable things coming from the second pack house. I rush out of the pack house im in and try to find some wolves to take out the fire.

"More water!" I guess Shay is on top of it.

All of a sudden a wolve is on top of me ready to bite my face off. I quickly change and scratch his face before pushing him off. He flees into the woods. I look to see 4 grown wolves ganging on 1 small one. I run over and quickly jump infront of her. I lets out a growl of 1000 wolves which scare off most of the non- Uktena wolves.

Well ....... This took a big turn.


Tell me how you like this chapter. Sorry for spelling errors. Please follow me on this heaven called wattpad.

- XOXO Ace

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