Not mating time

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"Y- you two are mates?" without breaking there gaze they slowly nodded. Asher expression was a mix of lust and love. Who knows which emotion dominates the other. Kates was a mix of many feelings. Mostly shock and excitement. I can tell purly by there eye. Mate talk later buissness now.

"Kate, sorry to do this but I will need you to leave." I sternly order.

"Wha- why?" she sadly asked finally breaking eachothers gaze.

"This is business not mating time. Bet it." I say pointing at the door. She grumbled curse words but left.

"Alright now- Whoa sit down man.!" I say closing my eyes.

"Why?" he asked confused.

"Your pants are um....
Stiff." I say pointing at his erection. He quickly sits behind his desk.

"What do you want?" He ask.

"I want- back into the pack- what no I-." Before I knew it I was bowing to the Asher. And I can feel the smirk on his face. I forcefully stand straight. "Don't mind my wolf, ive cut my connection with her off." I slightly embarrassed said.

"Hmm. You were part of the pack. What's the name." He chuckled.

"Kya Storm." I spat through my teeth. He thought for a while before looking at me shocked.

"You were the betas daughter. If i'm correct." He said.

"Yes. But that dosnt matter now." I brush the subject off. " I am the Luna of the Uktena rogue pack. And your pack members have completely destroyed a pack house with there reckless trashing." I state.

"Hm. Just like a rogue to abandon there job in there pack." He said amused.

"You don't know me nor my past. And We both know you would have made someone eles beta by now. Probly a man you sextest bastard." I casually said like I didn't just offend him.

"Watch it Storm. What do you want me to do. My pack dosnt respect rogues." He said slightly angered.

"I want justice for the deaths. I want them to rebuild the damage they made. And mostly I want them to know we rogues are werewolves like them." I say become louder.

"I don't like your tone." Asher said. "And all rogues are useless, pathetic, weaklings"

"But you mate is a rogue." I smirk at his sudden rage outbreaks of flipping the table over and growling in my face.

"Not anymore, she'll become part of my pack and I'll barry her history!" he barked.

"She would never. She helped build the Uktena rogue pack. She's never joining this place." I said letting out a growl myself and tried walking out the office. Only for him to grip my arm and yank me back. I swiftly untangled my arm. Ignoring the pain from his claws being sunk into my skin.

"You stupid little girl." He scoffed.

"Screw you!" I snap


He got me across the face. Not to hard to leave a Mark but still to hurt. My eyes turned white. And all I saw was red.

"Don't ever talk to me lik-"


I hit him back but I drew blood from his face. There was a moment of silence. I was calming down And he was purly stunned.

"Kya. What have you done? That's our alpha and you disrespected him and attacked him." berry said quit worried. After calming down I zoned out to remember one important thinkg.

"Kate!" I ran outside to see he hold her cheek with blood coming through her fingers. I herd a growl from behind me. Asher is in his wolf form ready to kill. I can't fight him because that would hurt Kate. Then I here a growl from beside me. Kate has turned into her wolf form aswel.

"Stop we can't fight for obvious reasons." They change to there original form.

"Go home get rest. Be here by 10am tomorrow sharp."Asher said before disappearing up the near by stairs.

"Forget these outfits we have to get back to the pack house to heal that wond." I say speed walking out the house.

"And explain." she grumbled. After we leave the pack house we change to wolf form and ran home.


I hope you like this chapter. Sorry for spelling errors. Please comment and follow me on this heaven called wattpad.


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