Kim and Ricco

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Sitoria, Kim and Ricco had a long hug together. I can see why they were best friends that were ripped apart. They have lots of feelings to comprehend. But time is running out. We have less and less time to prepare by the day.

"Um....... Hello." I said awkwardly waving. "I'm Kya."

"Kya. Hmmmm. I've herd of you." Ricco said grabing a book from the self. It seemed new and said. 'Mythological history'.

"Yes. Kya Storm Luna." he said reading off the page. "A girl that was once a part of a almighty pack."

"The blue moon pack." Asher said rolling his eyes.

"Yes. But left at a young age. Her father played a big role in the pack. Beta to the old Alpha. But Kya was destined to be a medic."

"I belive in work not destiny Ricco." I said with a small chuckle.

"Shhh this story is getting good." Kim said.

"Anyways Kya left no one knowing of her whereabouts for years. Until she showed with hundreds of rouge wolves. When she came to the elder council asking to be a formal part of the werewolf territory. But was instantly denied. But rebeled by continuing to act as a pack. Then word spread of them. Some supporters others not. Some scared of them. But she never corrected then because most likely lack of caring." he finished reading. There was a intense silence. You could here the creak in the old wooden shack.

"Well that's my story. But back to the matter. We need help."

"Yes we have war with demons and vampires. And need some of your magic." Asher said.

"And you can be a part of the pack if you help." Sitoria squeled in excitement.

"Umm....... What?" Kim asked confused.

After a LOT of explaining they agreed to help. So we moved all there equipment from the shack to the pack house. Now Asher, 7.005 Mija and I stand in front of them waiting for there new collection of helpful poisons.

"Alright, we have several things that could help. First is the amulet of will." Ricco said pointing to Kim who is wearing one. "This amulet can keep you from under the demon dark spell. But you must always wear it a second without it and they can Take you." he said passing then out to us all.

"Second is a fashion choice just look at these beutiful statements." Kim said pointing at the wristband with a circled shaped charm on Ricco. It has a 'R' which probably stands for rogue. And on the other side had our symbol on it. I loved it.

"Yes, those are so pretty." I said as Kim passed them out.

"Last but not lease...." Kim pulled a small cloth bag out of her pocket. "Whose a brave soul.?"

"Islan is." Hilima said pushing the dark blue eyes boy.

"Ya he's so brave." Ash snickered. Islan hesitantly walked up to Kim. At which she blew some sort of powder in his face.

"What the Hell?" Islan said Before passing out and collapsing on the floor. To which Sitoria came to his aid.

"What was that?" she growled at Kim. Who stood behind Ricco.

"It's fairy dust. Which is a help to the war." Ricco said quit protective. Sitoria apologies.

"It is harmful to demon skin. Which starts to boil and burn until they are a puddle. But it only stunns vampires. Which gives time to kill." Ricco explain.

"If he would have worn his amulet he would be awake. Another reson to keep it." Kim said.

"Well..... How dose he wake up?" Asher asked.

"With a kiss." Kim giggled. "Sitoria?" she turned bright red and leaned in. But Riccos hand bet her to him.

"Also a shake or slap with much force helps." he said as Islan awoke.

"W-what happen Sitoria?" he asked. But she just quickly stood up next to a confused Islan and a smug Kim.

"Where did you get the fairy dust?" Brandon asked.

"Me." Kim said.

"You're a fairy?" Ash asked shocked.

"Ya but I hide my wings. See." At that moment to big wings flew out from her back. They were blue with a black circle pattern on them. We stared as they settled behind her. Become smaller and less shiny. Like a everyday fairy would see.

"Beautiful." Ricco whispered to himself. But we all herd him and started to gigle. They blushed as he tried to defend himself.

"I-ts j-just that I haven't seen them in a long time."

"Why do you hide them.?" I asked.

"Because they are big and people state when we are on witch territory. Like I don't belong."she sadly said. Ricco took her hands in his.

"They are perfect. Don't hide them anymore." to which Kim nodded. And we all had a aww moment. Then Malcom, Ashers best friend, rushed in.

"Asher check this."he said handing him a picture. At that Asher growled. He handed it to me. It was a pick of Kate and Max on his bed. Making out. I scoff in disgust at the picture. When I turned it There was a couple of words on the back. Which I read out loud.

I'll Mark her after we win the war. Maybe I'll just enslave her and Mark Kya instead. I know your boyfriend didn't. And I cant wait to see you dollface. This is just to get Asher s blood pumping.


"Shay train now." Asher said. Then Shay came over and kissed me, hard. Heat ran to my face. Even though I enjoyed ever second of the kiss.

"I'll Mark you some day Kya."he said hugging me then left. I could here all the ohhh and ahhh from them But I was blocked out from it all. God I love Shay.

"Ok guys time to train and then rest for the war. It's in a couple nights."


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