Game plan

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"I- I can't belive he took Kate." Asher said practicly trembling at his words. He's been mooping for a week. Everytime I see him he about the battle, he just falls on his bed. So this time we are at my pack house in my office. But he's still glum as ever.

"Yes Asher, I know you miss her. I do to, but being sad isn't going to get her back. Think of it as when you broke up. Determined to get her back."

"It's not the same." he growled at me getting very angry. "When we broke up I knew she was safe. Now she could be hurt and its all my falt." he went crazy flipping over my book self and smashing my mirror. But Shay and Brandon came just in time to pin him so he couldn't do anything eles.

"What the hell man?" Brandon said in a huff to keep Asher from biting him.

"Asher stop it. This will solve Non thing. We need a game plan." I yelled.

"What are you talking about." He said.

"Well we need to go prepared right? And your bitching will not help. Are you with us or not.?" I asked tired of his temper tantrum. He is working my last nerve and I'm tired of it. After Asher forcefully detached himself from Brandon and Shay. He say back down in his chair.

"Fine. What do we work on first. My pack usually works with the fighters first. Training and such." he said in a calm voice.

"Well we already have a guy for that." I said pointing over to Shay.

"Yes I have all man of both packs training as we speak. I just came ask when the battle is." he said scratching the back of his head embarrassed.

"In a month and about six days." I said cheacking threw some files. "But Asher We need to know what we are in for. Max has about 1700 fighters."

"Really we have 2600 combined, so that won't be a problem."

"Yes and he knows we have more. So I herd he has a gang of 500 demons to fight."

"But we still have more." Brandon said confused.

"No we could take vampires easily but demons have dark magic which is powerless to us." Shay sadly said.

Which. Witch. Witchcraft. We could use witchcraft. It's just as powerful as dark magic. Sitoria is a witch hybrid. Perfect.

"Shay go train. I have to plan. Thanks for the help though." I said with a smile which he returned and left. "Brandon please tell Sitoria to come here and then go back to what you were doing."

"Ok" he said about to leave.

"What were you doing?" Asher asked.

"Remodeling the other pack house. You know the one your pack burned."

"Oh....... Sorry bout that." he awkwardly laughed.

"Bye Brandon go get Sitoria." I said.

"Why do we need her?." Asher asked.

"You asked a lot of questions." I said going over the profiles of menu vampire warriors.

"Yes Kya." Sitoria said from my door way.

"I need your help. You see, Max has demons on his side. And as you know they use dark magic. And we also know that Witchcraft is as good as dark magic. So can you help us?"

"Of course, but not me alone. I have two friends that can help. As soon as I can get in touch with tham I'll see if they can help. They were my friends when I lived in the area of witches and worlock. That's was when I lived in a different town. It's far but we could make it there." she said exiting to call her helpfull friends.

Yes, every pack have there territory. But every creature dose aswel. Werewolves live in the north. While vampires live in the east. Witches live west as demons live south, if you know what I mean. We all came to turns with that when the human population increase and we were sure it would stay this time. It's in our creature history books. The compromise of 09 bc. When they choose to stay hidden from the human mostly.

"What do we do while we wait." Asher asked.

"We could...... Talk." I suggested.

"Alright about what?"

"Well I know your going to be picky and tell me ever thing wrong with my pack house. So do it." I chuckled.

"Ok. Why is it all different colors in every room. Like your office is a grey color. But the hallway is white. And the living room is blue but the kitchen is red." he ranted.

"Sorry we don't do boring in the pack house." I roll my eyes playfully.

"And your outfits."

"What about them?"

"You look like a hippie. With flowers in your hair and ripped jeans and shirts that show sholder."

"Hey! Atlease I don't look forty with boring white collar bottom down shirts and do you even own a pair of jeans? I mean seriously" I scoff.

"Mmmm....... Well played. But I still don't like it ya hippie."

"What ever grandpa. Go take your pills."


Hiya I hope you like this chapter. Sorry for spelling errors. Please comment and follow me on this heaven called wattpad.


A/N: Thanks for reading this it means a lot to me. But com on guys it only take a couple clicks star and follow this shlit for me. I will be a very happy author.💋💖💝💗

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