Max and Berries

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"Kim, Ricco and I planed to meet us in a shack near here. I'm trying to pick up there scent but its been a while since I've smelled then." Sitoria said scoping out the area. After 3 days We are finally able to meet up then her friends. She has informed us they're names are Kim and Ricco.

"We have been here for way to long." Asher mind linked me. I give him a weird face.

"It's been ten minuets man." I link back. He just rolled his eyes at me.

"I forgot to ask. How did you know about the demons in Maxs army?" Asher asked.

"Well you see, Max told me to meet up with him at his castle."


I was running to the vampire castle with Shay and Brandon.

"Why dose he want to speak with you?" Brandon mind linked me.

"I don't know, he just told me to come and talk about business. But I brought you two just incase something happens."

"He needs to mind his own buissness." Shay growled.

"Aw Kya I think you widdle boyfriend is jealous." Brandon snickered.

"Shut up you little troll boy." Shay snapped.

"Stop the bickering were here." I said changing out of my wolf form and back to human form. As they did the same we walked up to the door and gave a loud knock. A girl awnsered.

"Hello im-"

"Kya Storm I've been expecting you. Max wishes to speak to you. Not your friends." She said eyeing Shay and Brandon.

"Well its either us or none and Max wouldn't like me not showing." I say turning around to leave. At last moment she grabed my wrist earning a growl from Shay.

"I'm sorry please follow me." She said leading us up the stairs. We walk to the end of a dark hallway going to the last door on the left. We walk in to see Max facing the window.

"Mr. Max Kya is here to speak." He turned with a cocky smile. But it soon faded seeing the boys behind me.

"I didn't say bring anyone eles Kya." Max said.

"Well....... Were here. Now what do you want?" I ask.

"We can only talk with them out the room dollface." He smirked.

"Don't call me that." I said then motioned for the two boys to leave.

"Fine but no funny business Max." Shay growled.

"We'll just wait outside." Brandon said dragging Shay out.

"Please sit." Max asked politely. So I did as told.

"What do you want?" I asked once again. He let out a dark chuckle.

"What? Can't have a chat with a fellow game player." He asked.

"What game?" I ask in confusion.

"The game of war."

"War isn't a game It's a last resort that sadly I have to do." I say anger rising in me.

"Well I guess war is like chess. Some play to win while others just to play." he got out of the chair he was sitting in and started to stroll in the room. Looking over old paintings and such.

"Do you find some joy out of war?"

"Yes. And I think its better to find joy in that then in being superman."

"What are you talking about?" I said getting slightly nervous.

"You try to help everyone just so you can feel joy."

"Yeah so"

"Oh nonthing, just that you only do that so you can make up for the person you couldn't save." He got real close and whispered in my ear. "Your own mother."

I don't know what happened next but I lost it. I started to scream and cry. I threw my chair against the wall and it broke. I broke down. "You don't know me or my mama. How dare your mouth even speak of the greatest woman. She is better then you'll ever be. You don't know me or my past don't act like you do Max." He just laughed at me. Enough to want to kill him.

"No Kya he wants you to lose it keep calm." Berry said.

"What's the matter Kya do you want to hurt me. You want me dead.?" He asked. I slowly turn my head and nod yes. "Good use the darkness of your soul. Become evil like me."

"Ok Kya let me take over." Without a single objection I let Berry take over. As I kept thinking of my mom, my body stoped shaking and crying. And Berry let out a dark chuckle. Much to Max's approval. He thought I was turning not even knowing of Berry.

"So what do you say, stop this war and we will enslave the blue moon pack and you will be vampire queen?" he said taking my hand and helping me up.

"You know what's funny? I loved my mother, more then anything. But I couldn't give a Damn about my father. Unlike you, right Max?" Berry said with a evil smirk. Max quickly let go of my hand.

"Kya?" he said unsure.

"Oh Sorry she's out because of the scars you've brought back. This is Berry." she cackled.

"Did I hurt her that bad?" he asked getting a cocky smile

"Yes, but back to the matter. Your father never did treat you right. All the disappointed scowls from you trying your best." Berry said putting a hand on his shoulder as he was in thought.

"And poor Maxy always fought for it. But never truley got it. Now he's cold harted and evil." Max scoffed and plushed my hand away.

"Don't flatter him I was born bad." he scoffed.

"Were you Max or where you just a little boy who did anything for dad. Even become someone you're not."

"I know what your doing and its not going to work. But good Try." Berry knew he was liying which made her even more confident in this.

"No one was born evil. Your father pushed you to it admit it."

"No! Just stop talking about it." he was on the edge of a break.

"And when all knowing dad left Maxy was destroyed. Now he can't even try to get his father's love. But he still tried." Berry got close to max and whispered in his ear. "Even knowing that he would never give it."

"Enough!" Max yelled, slamming me into the office door. He pinned me against the wall. "If you weren't a dollface I would have bitten you already." he growled as did Barry. Barry scratched at Max's face. Making him hiss and back away. We calmly straightened our cloths while opening the door to leave.

"See you later daddies girl."


"That's about it." I said.

"But how did you find out though?" Asher asked confused.

"Oh I just stuffed papers which seen important from his desk in my poket."

"There it is." Sitoria shouted pointing towards the shack the just came into view. She ran to the shack with a big smile on her face. "Kim Ricco guess who?"


Hiya I hope you like this chapter. Sorry for spelling errors. Please comment and follow me on this heaven called wattpad.

A/N: Tell me your Fav. Character. And who you see being together in a little romance.


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