Now now

31 1 1

"Alright listen Asher-" I was cut off by Asher himself. Right now me, him and Kate are in his office. Trying to compromise with him. But he can be a bit picky.

"You can't call me Asher." He chuckled.

"Oh ok Mr.asshat. if you want Kate as your mate you have to deal with her being part of the Uktena rogue pack." I said.

"You guys talk like I'm not even here." Kate huffed.

"Yes we do. Any Who do you want Kate as your mate?" their was a moment of silence after I asked that question. He is probably having a debate with his own wolf. While we just wait in awkward silence. This choice can start meny problems. And maybe even some good aswel.

"Yes." Asher simply stated.

"Well then you have to be ok with her being a rogue. And respect rogues in general."

"Fine." he snarl at me. I put on a evil smirk.

"Great, we will have a celebration party of our packs making peace and coming to a alliance agreement." I say leaning back in my chair.

"Alliance?" Asher and Kate said clueless.

"Yes. If one is to go to war with a diffent pack the other will help." who are we kidding. The blue moon pack has went to war 8 times in the last 100 years.

"Oh so that if your weak pack gose to war. We can be back up" Asher scoffed. "No way." I roll my eyes at him. I wisper into Kate's ear.

"You know what to do." she blushed but got up anyway and went around the office desk and sat on Ashers lap. He went wide eyed.

"Please Asher." she seductively said. He stated at her for a while, studying every part of her body, before going back to his usual cold face. He took Kate off his lap, and stud up.

"Fine I'll try. Just let me talk to Kate, alone." He said ushering me out the room and rudely closing the door. My phone buzzed. Shay texted me to meet him at the pack house. I haven't talk to him in a while.


"What's up Shay." I say closing his door.

"I-I wanted to see if you would go on a date with me?" Shay said quit shy. He hasnt been this shy since we first met.

"Yes I would love to." I said excited. I've wanted this for a while. "When?"

"Now." He said getting up from his bed.

"Like now. Now. Ummmm ok ya." I was expecting like...... Not now.

"Follow me." He said guiding me out the house to the unclaimed part of the Forrest. Its unclaimed because scary things have happened. Like a little boy roaming this part of the forrest. I think its a myth, but still.

"Why are we here?" I asked following him to where ever he was going.

"I come here all the time." When dose he ever come here? We walked into the darkest part of the area. Only to walk straight into a well lite area. With a beautiful lake there.

"Wow. It looks amazing Shay. How you find this?" I said admiring the Crystal blue lake.

"Ill tell you later. Lets just enjoy it now." He said guiding me to the side of the lake. We sat there all evening. Just talking about anything and everything. It was the perfect way to spend a date. I learned so much more about him. Yes we've always been friends, but I never saw his inner thoughts, until Now. Then someone had to ruin it.

"Kya stop drooling over this boy. You are ment for Jacob!" Berry nagged at me. Well moment over. Might as well it is getting dark.

"Shay this was fun But we should get going. Getting kinda dark." I say standing up.

"Aw, fine I guess." He pouted.

"Race you home." I say before changing into wolf form and running twords the same direction we came.

"Your on." a faint voice from behind me said.


Hiya I hope you like this chapter Sorry for spelling errors Please comment and follow me on this heaven called wattpad and tell me your thought on this part.


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