Tiny guitar

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Asher the bastard                     himself P.O.V

Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since I've seen Kate. That's the longest we have been apart since we met.

I miss her.

Her face, her body, her laugh, her smile.

I truly miss HER

"Way to go Asher you've lost our mate." Jack my wolf growled.

"What was I suppose to do. She's a rogue and I have a image to live up to." I said back.

"Fuck your image, she was our mate don't you understand? Your image means Non thing she's our mate. She was perfect in everyway." he yelled at me.

"I know! I'm trying to get her back" I said.



Someone knocked quietly on my door.

"Not now" I said

"But its-" I intrupted the person on the other door.

"I said no!" slightly angered.

"Dude its Malcom and som-"

"NO LEAVE NOW" I shouted throwing a shoe at the door.


Now someone is banging very hard on my door.

"Asher open this Damn door before I brake it down. And if I have to do that it will NOT be pretty." Someone growled shouted and demand. Wait I know that voice, its Kya. I missed her a little to. Am I becoming friends with a rogue. Oh course I am I'm in love with one. I quickly open the door.

Im not scared of her I just um........ Feel she could kill me with little effort so I try not to anger her so much. I opened the door to her annoyed look and a tiny guitar.

"What's with the tiny guitar?" I asked confused.

"First its a ukulele and are you sad?" she asked. I slowly nodded.

"Fuck" she said then put on a big fake smile.

"Well the duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand
Bop bop bop
Got any grapes
The man said no I sell lemonade But its cold and its fresh and its all homemade why don't you give it a try
The duck said goodbye
Then he waddled aways
Waddle waddle
Then he waddled away
Waddle waddle waddle
Til the very next day
Well the duck- Hey what are you doin- OH MY GOD.!" she stoped singing that song once I smashed her tiny guitar. Then I handed her the broken instrument.

"Don't ever do that again that was so annoying." I said sitting on my bed.

"Ya your right, I knew you were sad so- ahh!" she screamed falling from tripping over a shoe. I silently chuckle at her. Then help her up.

"Anywho why you call me here?" she asked.

"Um.... How is Kate?" I asked.

"Fine why?" she asked crossing her arms and getting angry.

"Help me get with her again." I asked desperate.

"Why so you can hurt her again?" she shouted.

"No I've changed Kya." I told her.

"How have you, a man stuck in his ways,change?" she rhetorically asked.

"I'll have some pack members fix your pack house. And I've annonced that Kate's my mate to the pack. I changed for her." I said. I know I'm cold but even I have a hart. "How could I be so stupid to give her up. She was my everything. Why?" I say barying my face in my hands on the verge of crying.

"Oh Dont cry Asher I belive you." Kya said.


"You can't fake it, not with those sad eyes." she said with a comforting smile.

"So can I get her back?" I ask  with hope rising threw me.

"Of course she has hope in you. And think you can Chang. And I think she's right." she softly chuckled.

"But if you hurt her again I'll kill you slowly and painfully." she said with a serious face.

"I promise I won't ever again."

Hiya I hope you like this chapter. Sorry for spelling errors. Please comment and follow me on this heaven called wattpad.


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