Chapter 14: The Origins Of Us - Part 1

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It was almost dark in the town of Aqua city. Aurora was healing Tema's injuries at the hospital which made him stir a bit "um...uhhh"

"Sorry..." said Aurora "didn't mean to wake you" Tema sat up to see he was in a hospital bedroom "how are you feeling?"

"A little drowsy" said Tema yawning "but okay" Aurora then rubbed his head

"You had me worried you know. When I saw your back, being as bad as it was. But it's a relief to know you're okay" Tema smiled "come on, let's go. There's a few people waiting for you" Tema looked a bit bewildered but nodded his head.

As Tema was lead to the entrance hall he saw Yumi and Eve talking amongst themselves. Eve was the first to notice him "Tema...Tema" she ran up to him "are you okay?"

"Yeah, right as rain" said Tema which made her smile "hey, that's new. I haven't seen you smile before" Eve turned a little red

"Well...I feel...happy is all. I...haven't seen anyone try so hard to protect me before. So thank you" Tema was blushing a bit when he heard a new voice

"I need to thank you too"

Tema turned to see Rafiel with Kairi. Rafiel stepped over to him "Eve is a good friend to me, and has being for a while. I was happy to learn how you shielded her from...our leader" Rafiel then looked a bit down "could you forgive me for my attack before? At the Mistress of Aqua city's home?" Tema then put his hand out

"Already forgiven" replied Tema "You protected Kairi after you're not as bad as I thought" Rafiel shook his hand and looked quite content. Kairi then stepped forward

" you mind coming outside?" said Kairi "My father wants to speak to you" Tema followed Kairi and Rafiel outside. Aurora looked at Eve

" you mind just...watching him?" Eve nodded and hurried after them.

Eve and Tema didn't have to look long as Kairi's father was just on the street away from the hospital.  Tema looked a bit indecisive "you...wanted to speak to me?"

"who...did you make the promise too?" said Arthur directly "answer me this please" Tema looked at him eye-to-eye

"it was Leo" Arthur expression changed slightly to annoyance "he was the one I made the promise too. And what he told me...was this" Tema walked up to Arthur and spoke in a quiet voice.

Arthur heard his words "I see" Tema stepped back "Tema...I'm sorry for what I said. But not the sentiment, I still stand that Kairi should stay home"

"Even after still feel that way?" said Tema

"I'm her Father Tema. I will care for her, just as yours did for you" Tema felt a small tinge of happiness "but circumstances have changed. Kairi has a new sentinel bodyguard...Rafiel" Tema turned to Rafiel

"Kairi is now my master and partner" said Rafiel with Eve overhearing him "and I pledge to safeguard her over the trials ahead"

"Over what I saw yesterday" said Arthur "I know that she'll well looked after. By her partner and you" Arthur then began to walk away "I'll bid you both...goodbye"

Tema then watched him go without saying a word. Tema then turned to Kairi "so...what happens now? In regards to the competition?"

"Well...that's the awkward thing" said Rafiel instead"Kairi is technically out of the competition due to Leo's injuries...but back in because of me" Tema tilted his head "lend me your ear" Rafiel whispered something which made Tema react

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