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▪ Logans POV ▪
▪ picture of Luke added ▪

"I didn't mean to shoot him." I said honestly.

After Ricky's stunt in the kitchen I've been sitting at the island with one of the members. I think his name is Luke.

"I don't blame you. He lunged and out of instinct you shot." He shrugged.

Luke was tall. With light brown hair that was styled up. Usually the guys aren't allowed anywhere near me. But in this case I almost got attacked I'm sure dad would understand.

"Why did you come to help me?" I asked.

"What?" He ate some of the salad I made for us.

"When I was sitting on the floor... why did you come help me when my dad could've walked through the door at any moment."

"Helping someone doesn't mean they're dating." A teeny but harsh but I guess I could see where he was coming from. Besides I would never date anyone from the gang. It's not allowed.

I called for Margaret to come get our plates as I walked into the living room.

"I'll be right back." I told Luke as I went upstairs to my room.

I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and dialed my best friend Sadie's number. After 3 rings she picked up.

"Logan I'm extremely busy right now so make it quick."

"Ok. One of my dad's members Luke is sitting with me in the living room and my dad will kill him if he finds out. Even though it's completely harmless so I need your mom to distracted my dad for about an hour or two." I said as fast as I possibly could.

"Ok." I thanked her and hung up

My dad absolutely worships Sadie's mom. Which pisses me off sometimes but it comes in handy. If my dad were to marry anyone else, I would want it to be her."

I grabbed my black hoodie from my closet and walked back downstairs. This wasn't a date we were just hanging out. Even though I always hear the guys teasing Luke about me.

It feels weird knowing that someone that's not allowed to like you does. I don't even think I'm interested in Luke I just want to know more about him.

Luke must've picked a movie and just as I got to the last step it started sprinkling outside. We both looked out the window.

Rain is my favorite thing ever. But no one knows that. Well my mom did. My mom was an amazing painter and she would paint rain for me.

I slowly walked over to the couch where Luke seemed to have made himself at home. I sat down next to him and put my phone in my pocket.

Luke picked a scary movie. Little did he know that I live for scary movies. About halfway through I got a text from my dad.

Stuck at Juliet's from the rain. I'll be home around 11

'Stuck at Juliet's' would mean they're having dinner together. It's just rain, there's no way he wouldn't leave just from rain.

That made me relax a little bit. That means we would have a good 3 hours before my dad was even thinking about coming home.

I looked over at Luke to see him already looking at me. His pale green eyes practically stare past my walls that I've built.

"Umm. Uh. Popcorn?" I asked.

"Logan" is all he said before he took a leap of faith and kissed me.

As instinct I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He stood on his knees and pushed me back onto the couch. Finally my senses came back and I shoved him off of me.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I yelled.

"Logan, I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to." He tried to explain himself.

I stood up and ran upstairs to my room practically tripping myself on the last couple steps. I got into my room and slammed my door shut.

My breathing was heavy. I wasn't even going to let him kiss me when I saw him leaning in. But his eyes caught me off guard and I let him.

Which I shouldn't have done. If my dad would've walked in Luke would've been out of here faster than I can blink.

I looked out my window and saw a bunch of guys lined around the driveway and the outer gate. Monitoring who comes in and who goes out.

I grabbed a duffle bag from my closet packet a couple outfits for school and a bunch of my other stuff. I grabbed a pair of sneakers and slipped them on before sending me duffle bag out the window into the pouring rain.

Then it was my turn. Sure I had done this countless times before but I usual sneak out when the younger guys are monitoring. That way when I screamed my way down I can convince them not to tell my dad.

But tonight I had to get out of the house and a bunch of the older men were monitoring. By now I should be used to this. But I'm not.

Unfortunately for me my room is not in a cliche spot and there's no tree for me to climb out of. But if I tie a bunch of scarfs together and tie one end to my bed and hang the other out the window that only makes me have to jump like 5 feet.

The only problem with my plan is that they'll know for sure that I snuck out when they see a trail of scarfs leading out my bedroom window.

I finally decided to go for it because they would notice I'm missing once my dad eventually came home. I tied a bunch of scarfs together praying that the knots wouldn't come undone as I was dangling out my window.

I finally reached the end of the scarfs and the ground wasn't too far away. I closed my eyes and let go. I landed on my side and my arm felt numb but not like it was broken. My hoodie was covered in mud and it was freezing.

I grabbed my duffle bag and threw it over the fence and hopped over it myself. Hopefully Sadie didn't mind having an extra family member for a couple days.

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