chapter 19

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Logans POV

Everything hurts and I feel like I haven't eaten in days even though it's only been hours.

"I'm hungry." I say quietly as they get me inside.

"What would you like honey?" Dad asks. He's acting like he cares about what just happened.

I almost answered but my side started to hurt. So instead of talking I was hissing in pain. I didn't want Luke to see me like this, I felt like a baby.

"I'll get her to her room." Luke said in a hurry.

"Okay, Logan you're going to be alright."

I almost rolled my eyes but it didn't feel like a good time. Luke took me upstairs and it felt good to be in my own bed, in my own room again.

He just stood in the doorway until he finally found the right words. "Logan, I have something to tell you."

This caught my attention, so I sat up as much as I could and waiting for him to continue.

"My parents called me, you knew that, and they told me I have to come to and bring a date and-"

"I'll go with you." I blurt.

We both pause and he looks up from the floor to me. "What?"

"On your date, I'll go with you.." I'm probably surprising myself more than him right now.

"No." I blink.

"No?" I repeat.

"Logan you almost died." Great, so I can't go because he's too "worried about me"

"Or you just don't want me to go." I cross my arms as much as it hurts to do even that.

"No! Of course I want you to go. But your hurting. I just don't want you to be in pain."

"I'm going to be in pain either way. I'd rather be in pain away from all of this." I gesture to my room.

He pauses thinking for a second. "Take your meds, take a long bath, dress nice, I'll be here at 7" I catch his wink right before he leaves and check the time.

It's only 5 so I have some time. I take my meds and put them away so none of the guys think it's drugs they can steal/pawn off.

I make my way into the bathroom and run the bath. After spending an hour in there I'm standing in the doorway of my closet trying to figure out what to wear.

I try on maybe 12 outfits until I decide on a black dress that comes an inch or two above my knees. It has one sleeve that's lace and the back is closed because I don't want them to see my bruises. I cover the ones that can't hide with makeup.

I ruffle my hair a few times until I hear the front door open and a few guys whistle and say "damn!"

I slowly make my way down the almost spiral steps and get the same whistles that Luke did.

He's dressed in a black button up and dress pants. He looks great. "Hi." I say quietly.

He doesn't say hi back, instead he lightly grabs my waist and pulls me closer kissing me.

When I snap out of it. He's still standing close but he's not grabbing my waist and he's not kissing me.

"You look amazing."

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