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▪ Logans POV ▪

After the awkward 21 questions I sat in my room for 3 more hours writing in a journal I kept under the mattress of my bed.

If anyone found it I'd probably die, literally someone would hunt me down and kill me for what I write down.

I find out why all the younger guys are brought into the gang. A lot of them join because another gang killed a family member and want revenge.

That's where I come in.

I figure out who did it and why, I guess you could say I have pretty impressive hacking skills.

Obviously I can't do anything about what happened right now because I'm not leader yet. But when I am that's the first thing that will be taken care of.

That's why I'm doing this now.

Everyone thinks that in order to run a gang you should have a significant other to run it with you. But I don't think that's true.

I mean look at my dad... he's fine, and my mom's not helping him... my mom. I miss her so much.

I run to my walk in closet and rummage through clothes until I find a shoe box covered in duck tape with a note that says.

Don't open until your ready
Love, Trinity.

Tears formed in my eyes as I grabbed my pocket knife from my soggy pair of sneakers.

I tear the box open and see tons of pictures and keepsake stuff. I sit criss cross and slowly take some pictures out of the box.

The first picture was of my mom in the the hospital holding me. I turn the picture around and see,

Logan josey Wendow

I could tell it was my dad's handwriting. Attached to the picture was my hospital bracelet.

A tear slid down my cheek as I looked at more pictures.

Logan learning to ride a bike (4 years old)

Logans first dog, she named him Bunny

The last picture I looked at was of me when I was 15. I was eating ice cream at a peer with my mom. I didn't hold back the tears this time.

This was the last picture I had of her smiling.

The last picture I had of her period.

Someone knocked on my door (they would know better then to just walk in.)

"Come in" I cried.

I was thankful to see it was only Margaret and not one of the guys. I don't need them to see me in a weak state. They'll never take me seriously after that.

"Miss Logan what's wrong?" She asked kneeling down next to me.

I looked at the pictures. "I miss her so much." I cried.

"I know you do sweetheart." Margaret held me while I sat on the floor.

"How could she do that!? Didn't she realise she would hurt more people than just herself?" I screamed. My sadness was turning into anger.

"Miss Logan. She was in a state in which she had no more control. She probably had no idea she would hurt you. You know she would never intentionally hurt you." Margaret was right.

Not only was she my mother, I was her only child. My mom had miscarriage after miscarriage. Then finally she had me.

I sniffled and stood up. I looked in the doorway to see Luke, Donnie and a bunch of the others with sympathy plastered on their faces.

"I don't need you pity" I snarled.

"Logan your obviously hurt-"

"I said I don't need your pity! She did that to herself not me!" I yelled.

I wanted my dad. I wanted this to be over. I wanted my mom to come back. I wanted to raise my gun, and pull the trigger.

Target, no target.

I picked up my gun and walked towards the door. The guys made a path not wanting to be in my way. I pulled on a pair of heels that were by the door and left.

I walked towards the gate leaving my car in the driveway. The guards stopped me in my path.

"Miss Logan your father has notified us to keep you in tonight." One of the guards said.

"Well I'm telling you I want to leave." They stood their ground.

"As future leader of this gang I don't think disrespecting me now will end well for you later." I said through my teeth.

They looked at each other and made way for me to leave. Thankfully the rain stopped so I wasn't getting rained on, on my walk to the city.

I got into the city and went into the 24 hour ice cream shop and saw the guy sleeping on the cashier chair.

I smiled and hopped over the counter getting myself a blue moon ice cream cone and made my way through town.

I figured unless a lot of places were switching shifts tonight I could probably get some stuff.

I walked into my favorite clothing store and saw the people very much awake in there.

I walked around and picked out a few white t-shirts and a mat pink crop top. I walked around for about 10 minutes before heading towards the door.

"Oh miss, you have to pay for those." She told me.

"I don't think my dad will mind." I shot her a wink.

"I think the police will." She reached for the store phone.

"Okay, and when they get here and I'm not here tell them Owen Wendow says 'hi'

She called the police and they showed up in a quick 5 minutes. When she got here she ran outside to meet them so I found the back door and left.

I stood by the bushes to see what she was going to say to the police.

"This girl came in here and is trying to steal clothes!" She yelled having the police follow her inside.

"Miss, no one's here." A officer said.

"No she was!"

"What did she look like?" He asked.

"Blonde hair. She had heels on. I guess she looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it."

"Did she say her name or anything else?"

"She didn't say a name but she said if I call the police to say that someone named Owen Wendow says hi."

The officer put his notebook away and sucked in a breath.

"Miss I'm sure we can figure something out but for now I'm afraid we can't help you." Typical.

I almost felt bad. This cop (that was very attractive) knew he couldn't do anything but he probably had to leave somewhere to take this useless call.

I walked down the street of the city to see any other shops I would like to 'barrow' things from.

The Gang leader's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now