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▪ Luke's POV ▪

When Logan and I kissed it was like everything clicked into place. Part of me knew that I shouldn't be doing this but the other part told me that I had to.

When she pushed me off and yelled at me I was definitely surprised. So at first she gets to lead me on and kiss me back then she gets to decide that's now how this works.

I don't even know how I feel about the situation. I'm older than Logan by 4 years, she's still in school. Not to mention her guard dog of a father.

I slowly walked upstairs and knocked on her door. No answer. I knocked again and nothing happened so I took the key that I found in Owen's office and opened her door. And she wasn't in there.

Typical Logan move if she were planning to sneak out. She would lock her door and then sneak out that way she would have more time.

I walked in and saw her window open and a bunch of rain getting in. I also saw a really long trail of scarfs hanging out the window. Clever.

I pulled the drenched scarfs back in and saw shoe prints in the mud leading right towards the fence. She might've been clever about sneaking out but not about covering up her tracks.

I shut the window and let out a huff. I called Owen even though I'm the one that will probably be in trouble. When he finally picked up I had to figure out a way to put that his daughter has snuck out for the 3rd time this week.

"Umm Owen it's about Logan." I started.

"Logan!? Is she okay!?" He sounded worried.

"Yeah. She just snuck out again and I don't know where she went." Owen hung up.

I would assume he would be on his way back here ready to strangle someone but you never know with him.

I sat on the couch and watched the rest of the horror movie that Logan loved. Which I definitely wasn't expecting. By the time the credits were rolling on the screen I got a text.

Your brother's here and we wants you to come visit
~ mom

I rolled my eyes. They worship my brother because he didn't get dragged into this mess when I did. What they don't understand is that I didn't have a choice. I saved my brother's ass.

When? I asked.

Tomorrow night at the grill house around 6

I told her I would be there and then shut my phone off. I grabbed my jacket off the coat hangers and opened the door to see a soaking wet Logan ready to put her keys in the door.

"Logan!?" I pulled her inside to get her out of the cold.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" I quietly yelled.

I set her bag down and wrapped a random blanket around her. Her hair clung to her head and wasn't it's usual wavy.

"I was g-gonna sneak out to Sadie's house but then I remembered my d-dad was over there with her mom." She shivered.

"Come with me." I pulled her upstairs where I knew her bathroom was.

I leaned against the wall and turned her shower in hot and waited to the steam to take over the room. Logan sat on the sink area and slipped off her sneakers and then her hoodie leaving her in a sports bra and leggings.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

"It's fine. I'll call your dad and tell him your home." I left the bathroom so she could relax.

"Hey Owen, Logans home." I informed him.

"Good. I've been searching all her favorite places. Tell her I'll be home tomorrow late morning." I told him I would and then hung up.

I called Margaret and was surprised that she was still up. I asked her what Logans favorite meal was and I almost bust out laughing when we said Mac and cheese.

I told her to make that for when Logan got done with her shower. I heard the door open and Logan came out with a pair of sweatpants and a muscle tee on.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi, I'm hungry." She wrapped her arms around herself and sat down at the island. I went over and took the seat across from her.

"I had Margaret make Mac and cheese." I laughed because I couldn't help myself.

Margaret brought out the plates and this didn't look like your average 5 year old Mac and cheese. No this was like 5 star Mac and cheese.

"You think I'm a child Luke?" She asked.

"Well I did until I saw your 5 cheese Mac and cheese."

"Haha very funny... how old are you?" She asked.

"Is this 21 questions?" I asked.

She smiled. "Something like that."

"I'm 21." I answered.

"21 and playing 21 questions... how ironic." She giggled.

"Who are your closest friends?" I asked.

"Sadie Martin and Nate Oppers." Her best friend was a guy?

"Do you have any siblings.?" She asked.

"1, his name is Carter, he's a year older than you I think."

"Did you ever want any siblings?" I asked.

"When I was younger no. Because I got all the attention. Then I hit 13 and I wanted a sibling more than anything. I didn't care if it was younger, older, boy, or girl!" We both laughed.

Logans laugh was contagious, like her actual laugh. Not her girly giggle I mean full out laughing.

"Why does everyone worship my dad?" She asked.

"You do realise your dad runs a gang right?" I asked. She nodded.

"That means we have to play by his rules."

"Well when I take this stupid thing over I'm going to change that. I want to have power but not to the point of slaves."

"Yeah-wait! What do you mean 'take this stupid thing over'?"

"Luke I hate to break it to you but my dad is not going to live forever." She shrugged.

"But you're taking over?"

"You seem offended that a girl would take over the gang." She furrowed her eyebrows. I'm not gonna lie it was surprising. But not offending.


"This was a bad idea. I'm gonna hit the hay." She left her plate for Margaret to pick up and headed upstairs.

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