Chapter 2:Hogsmeade

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Neville's POV

The next morning was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. As we walked to the Great Hall, I saw Ruby, and one of my fellow Griffinfors, Mikayla coming from thr library. Ruby glanced over at me, and Mikayla elbowed her. Hard. As Ruby was about to slap her, she noticed that I saw her, and her entire face turned a bright red. After breakfast ( and continuous refrains of Ron's song ) we walked to Hogsmeade. Seamus, Dean, Harry, Ron and I, immediately ran to the 3 Broomsticks and ordered Butterbeers. A couple minutes later, Ruby and Mikayla walked in with arm-fulls of Honeydukes' bags. Mikayla waved to us, and motioned for Ruby to follow her over to our table. Mikayla immediately plopped down inbetween Ron and Harry and began quickly discussing Quidditch strategies. Naturally, with my terrible luck, the only open seat at the table was beside... you guessed it, me. As I begin to sweat like crazy, she sits down right beside me. Oi, she either spent a crap tonne of money at Honeydukes, or she just litterally smells like chocolate. We start talking, and in my opinion, she is about as smart as she is pretty.

Ruby's POV

The morning of the first Hogsmeade trip, Mikayla and I went to the library early to research wizard sports, and to see if wizards had ever played volleyball, wich they haven't. That sad. At breakfast time, we walked down to the Great Hall. I saw Neville, looking particularly cute. Then out of nowhere, may I add, Mikayla elbowed me quite hard. I was about to get mad at her when she pointed at Neville. He saw me zone out. Crap. Anyways, when we got to Hogsmeade, we sprinted to Honeydukes. As we were looking at the ingridients list on Fizzing Whizzbees, that Slytherin, Draco, comes over to Mikayla and attemted to talk to her. He failed. She refused to talk to him as, in her own words, he is "a slimy git who will amount to nothing more then an inmate in Azkaban." She may have not yet told me, but I know she has a big ol' crush on him. I sit with her in Potions, and I have seen the doodles in the back of her textbook. Well, after I stopped her from kicking him, then snogging him, and then punching him, we went to the 3 Broomsticks for a Butterbeer. All the tables were full except for the big one that Dean, Seamus, Ron, Harry, and Neville. I was about to walk right over to the Hog's Head, when Mikayla pulled me over to the table full of Griffindors. She scoots inbetween Ron and Harry and starts discussing Quidditch. Of course I end sitting beside Neville. Because where else would there be the last seat. After quite abit of awkward staring, Neville and I started having an intelligent conversation. Again, I think that today has been a great big success.

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