Chapter 18: Vengence Time

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Ruby's P.O.V.

Since we've found out about Ron's little prank-if you could call it that-Mikayla, Draco, Neville and I have been thinking of a way to get him back. Draco came with some pretty gruesome ideas, but most of them would land us all in Azkaban. Mikayla thought that we could tamper with their brooms, but then contradicted herself once she realized that would destroy their chances of the Quidditch playoffs. I thought we could catfish them, but Neville thought of something better. "Why don't we trick them into coming to dinner in their undies?" "Oooooooooooooooh." everyone mumbled. "I've got a plan." I said. Mikayla smirked, and Draco started giggling. We all started cackling evilly.

Neville's P.O.V.

That night, Ruby and I sat in the library writing the letters. She read what we had so far:
"Dear Mr. [insert name here],
I would like to inform you that I have organized a boycott at the feast next Saturday. This will be a boycott on clothing. Just, wear some underwear, please. No one needs to see that. Do not, I repeat, do not tell anyone of this. I hope you decide to join us next Saturday.
Anonymous <3"

"Ooooh that's good." I said, then kissed her on the cheek. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's drop these puppy's off at the dorm!" she replied. "But won't they get suspicious when I don't get one?" I asked. "Why yes, yes they will. So I'm going to write you one too, but you have to tell them you're chickening out." She replied. "Ingenious..." I laughed. "Well, I gotta get back to the Hufflepuffs. Leah and Maddie will be wondering where I am. Goodnight, my fine sir." She said, as she walked to the door. "Goodnight, madam." I bowed fancifully. She giggled, and walked out of the library. I walked back to the Gryffindor common room, and up to the dorm, stopping on the way to lay down the letters.

The next morning, when Harry and Ron got up for Quidditch practice, they brought in the letters. Ron called to Seamus, Dean and I, "Oi! We've all gotten letters, from... Anonymous. Hum, sounds mysterious!" He lobbed the letters onto each bed, hitting Seamus in the nose. "Bloody hell! What was that for?" he yelled. "Just read it, ya git." Once they had all read the letters, I put on my best "Scared Neville" face, which I quite good at, and told them "Oh no, I am not doing that." Dean sighed. "Come on Neville! Live a little!" "Nope, not happening!" I said. And with that, the rest of the guys put the letters on their beds, and went on with their days, Dean and Seamus going back to sleep, and Harry and Ron heading off to practice. This is working out perfectly. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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