Chapter 4:Tranfiguration

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Mikayla's POV

After the whole "Thing" that happened in Potions, Draco wasn't as boisterous as he is normslly in Transfiguration. A bunch of other Slytherins refused to talk to him. I heard Pansy say "What do you see in her? She is a Mudblooded Griffindor! You must move on to more noble women!" she finished, subtlely sticking her nose in the air, and puffing out her chest. I could see that Professer McGonagall had heard her, and started to walk over to them. As she handed Pansy a detention slip, Draco looked at me. He looked as if he wanted to leave his "friends" and sit with me and Ruby. I felt bad for him, but I just couldn't. He's a Slytherin, I'm a Griffindor. He's Pure Blooded, I'm Muggle Born. We were destined to hate eachother from the moment the Sorting Hat touched our heads. It could not, ever, in a million years, work out.

Draco's POV

As I walked to Transfiguration, I'm bombarded by thoughts of whether people would care if I sort of think a Griffindor is kind of cute. Or if I'd be kicked of the Quidditch team! Or even if I'd lose all my friends! As I walk in a puddle of self-pity, I get to McGonagall's class. I sit down, and Pansy immediately finds me. She sits down beside me and starts lecturing me about maintaining Blood Purity, and all that crap. I'm up to my ears in people telling me who I should marry, now my friends are doing it too? What has the world come to! Anyways, eventually McGonagall hears Pansy say Mudblood and gives her a detention slip. KARMA! For the record, I really do like Mikayla, but I don't want too. It can't be clouding my mind from more important things. It can't.

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