Chapter 11: Still Hog's Head

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Mikayla's P.O.V.

When Draco walked in, I nearly passed out. Like, in a good way. Once we all sat down, Ruby decided to start talking. "So... I take you boys know why we have brought here." she said, nervously.  And I mean real nervous. This is quite a big deal then. So she does get nervous... I'll have to remind her of that. Hehe. Then, right of the blue, Neville blurted out, "RubyIreallylikeyou!" "Alrighty then..." Ruby said. Now I understand that these bloody dweebs need each other.  After that weird... little... conversation? No wrong word. I'll think of it.  Anywho, they just kept staring, and staring at each other. I knew that she wanted to start snogging him, but didn't. Ruby is not being Ruby. Strange. Draco looked at me I knew that he was going to say something, and for once he did. "Can I please just say something?" he sort of whisper-screamed. "Yes. Just go!" I replied. "Well, in fear of sounding like that bumbling Gryffindor fool," "Hey!" Ruby and Neville said simountaniously. "I love you, Mikayla." Draco finished. I can not possibly express how happy I was in that moment.

Draco's P.O.V.

So, I just told Mikayla that I like her.  But guess who had to walk in to the Hog's Head right in that moment.

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