Chapter 15: Library

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Mikayla's P.OV.

I will get them back for that. I will... Ruby tried to calm me down... but I shalt get my REVENGE!! Anywhoo... they better pray to Nemesis, cause, My dignity shalt be AVENGED!! (ok done with that ranting) Once those those idiot friends of mine were gone, Draco asked me if I would meet him in the library, the next morning. And I did so. I was prepared for like some super romantic slow-mo kiss scene type of thing, but when I walked in, I saw Harry, Ron, Dean, and Seamus hanging from the ceiling. "What the fu- DRACO! WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN'S UNDERWEAR DID YOU DO TO THEM?!" I screamed, expecting Mme. Pince to come out and whisper shout at me. "Well I-" he stammered, obviously afraid of me. "You know what? I don't even care. Help me get them down." I huffed, trying to untie them. "So why did you do this?" "Revenge..." he muttered. "Well this is a good idea, but try not to do it to my friends." I started giggling, then he followed suit. Then Mme Pince came out and shushed us. "Now she come out."

Draco's P.O.V.

Note to self: never tie up Mikayla's friends to avenge myself. She gets real scary.

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