Chapter 6:Great Hall

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Neville's POV

So at lunch, Mikayla brought up the awkward situation in the library and I told her "I was researching, an day and and saw you guys. I freaked out and hid because I thought you would think I was eavesdropping." "Neville, we're your friends. Why would you flip out?" she asked. Oh crap. "Well, one do you promise to never repeat this to anyone, especially Ruby, ever?" "Yes." "Ok, so I sort of like Ruby. Never repeat that. Ever." I said. "Ok, I will never repeat that." she said, laughing. "Can I tell you something that you will deny ever hearing?" she asked. "Yes." I said. "Ruby likes you. As in, likes you. Now you will never repeat that sentance, ever, nor will you admit to hearing that, or Ruby will kill us both. Bloody hell, we're acting like third years! she chuckled. Now for the record, in my head, I was dancing as ridiculously as I did in the library, but all I did was say, "Cool." with a dumb look on my face.

Ruby's POV

At the Hufflepuff table, I sat with my friend Madison. She was asking if Ron ever talked about her with his friends, as she really likes him. Then, seeing that I staring of into space, she asked what was wrong. I told her all about the bet with Mikayla. "I immeadiatly regretted it." I said. Then we langhed for the rest of lunch about how awkward it would be for 2 Griffindors, a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin to be sitting at the same table.

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