Chapter 9: Quidditch Pitch

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Ruby's P.O.V.

"Ok, I'll be right back." I said, as I dashed out of the Room of Requirement. "How did she muster up enough courage to ask Draco out?!" I muttered, sprinting down the hall, "Now where is that boy?" I ran through the whole school, which you would be thinking that's impossible unless you stop every few minute from exhaustion from all the stairs, but do not underestimate me when my pride is at stake. Seriously. I finally got down to the entrance, and ran like mad women to the Quidditch pitch. I should have checked there first as there was a Slytherin-Hufflepuff game and Neville sure loves his Quidditch. I should have gone, damn it. Leah's playing. And Rose. Well, I go to the next one. I ran into the stands and saw Neville on the other side of the pitch. Great, more running. I ran over to him panting. "Ruby, are you okay?" Asked Ron. "Yes yes I'm fine." I replied sounding quite annoyed. Hope I didn't offend him. "Anyways, could you guys, umm, buzz off?" I said to Harry, Ron, Dean and Seamus, "I kind of need to talk to Neville." They walked away, but not after a chorus of "ooooooh" and "go get her, mate!" Boys. Ugh.

Neville's P.O.V.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Ruby asked me. Me being me, just stood there looking real dumb. "Well, are you gonna answer, or did I just run from the Room of Requirement for nothing?" She said sarcastically. You see that's why I love her. "Ummmmmmm... yes. Yes I would." "Okay great. Hogsmeade trip, next weekend?" She asked. "Sure!" We just sat there in the stands, staring at each other. At the end of the game we went back our common rooms, and once I was out an earshot I started to dance my ridiculous little library dance. Yes that is what it is called now. But I did that little number all the way back to the Gryffindor common room.

The Tales of the 7th Year. {Harry Potter Fan Fic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt