Chapter 12: Still Hog's Head

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Ruby's P.O.V.

Well, that date was going pretty well. Neville told me he liked me. Pretty good. Draco told Mikayla he liked her.  All in all, it was going pretty darn well. But guess what. Guess who walked in to the Hogs Head. Pug-Faced Pansy. She walked like she had stolen Draco's swagger. She strolled over to our table and smiled. But it was an EVIL SMILE! Duh, duh DUH!! She looked at Draco and smirked pitifully. Then she looked over at Mikayla, scowled and turned up her nose. She didn't even turn to Neville or I.  She stared at Draco menacingly and said coolly, "You should really choose more distinguished company, Hun." She scooted into the booth beside Draco, squashing Mikayla against the wall. "So what are we getting for lunch?"

Neville's P.O.V.

I must say something before I continue. I FLUFFIN' HATE PANSY PARKINSON! She just waltzes in, flops her fat butt in our booth, and acts like this is all perfectly acceptable. NYEAH! You know what she does next? She says "You know Draco, Crabbe and Goyle are waiting for us. C'mon." She pulled Draco out of the booth, but he pushed her hand off his arm. "No." he said,  defiantly.  "W-what? What do you mean, no" she asked, looking at him just said he just farted out a burrito.  "I mean, I'm done with this silly blood purity crap! I'm done with you evil Slytherins.  I'm staying with my real friends.  And you, Ms. Pug-Face, are not one of them." Then he sat down beside Mikayla, and kissed her on the cheek. I'm just thinking, GO DRACO!  Pansy just stared at him, as utterly confused as Ron in Divination. "Just leave Pansy. Just walk away." She walked out of the pub, with a lot less swagger then usual. Once she was gone, Mikayala started giggling. Then Draco started chuckling. Finally, Ruby was full-on laughing her head off and  since her laughs are completely contagious, I was soon almost dying of laughter. For the rest of the day, we had a nice lunch at the Hog's Head, then went to Zonko's and Honeydukes, and Ruby showed me the chocolate she used in the dry shampoo she learned how to make over the summer. She said she would make me some with white chocolate, since that's my favourite.  It was a pretty good day.

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