Chapter 17: WHY?

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A.N. Watch the video, and Draco's comment will make sooo much more sense.

Mikayla's P.O.V.

Today after dinner, Ruby and Draco came over to sit with the Gryffindors, like always.(A.N. It's not my fault if you start cry at the sight of that word.) But as Ruby got closer, she looked troubled. She was holding a USB, and when she got closer, she slapped it down on the table. "You'll want to see what's on that." she said. "Why-" I started "I'll tell you after dinner." and then pointed to Ron. "Don't tell him you have it."

After dinner, Ruby grabbed my wrist, and pulled me outside. She found a bench and plopped down. She pulled her laptop from her bag, and put the USB in the side. I saw Neville dragging Draco, who,was fighting him off. When he saw me though, he calmed down, and jogged towards us. He sat down beside me, and Neville sat beside Ruby. Of you were too look at us, it would seem pretty funny, four 17 year old, squashed on a bench. But this was no laughing matter. What ever was on this drive, Ruby and Neville did not like it. Once we were all sat down, Ruby opened up the file. There were two files on the drive. Ruby opened up the one named "MikaylaxDraco.vid" and paused it immediately. She said, "If you want t know what Ron has done, then open press play. If you want to continue your friend ship with him as usual, don't press play. Your choice. Also, I'm sorry." and with that, Ruby and Neville got up, and walked hand in hand back into the school.

Draco's P.O.V.

After that strange encounter, Mikayla looked at me. "Should we open it?" "I'm not sure,"I replied, " but I want to know what's gotten into those two." "So it's decided." she said quickly, and pressed play. I think I almost knew what was on that file, but I didn't want to believe it. I mean, Ruby made Ron promise to delete it. And he's really scared of her. He wouldn't do this! Would he? Just as I thought that, the video had finished loading. It was just as I feared. I saw a door appear beside the tapestry of the guy teaching Trolls ballet, and Ruby quietly open it. Of course Mikayla and I didn't notice it. Seamus yelled "Awwwwwwwwww yeah!" Like the Studio C video. That was when. Mikayla looked over. She looked ready to kill, even with her messed up hair, and half off sweater. Ruby managed to calm her down, but not before  she shalt some random curses around the room. I heard Ron talking to Harry from behind the camera, and then the angle switched to Harry's beet red face. I remembered hearing a conversation between them that night, which just made me angrier. Those little gots are going to get it. And "it" will be much worse then hanging upside-down unconscious from the ceiling. Much worse.

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