Chapter 16: Lies

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Ruby's P.O.V.

Today at breakfast, I snuck over to the Gryffindor table, to sit with Neville, Harry and the others, and Mikayla. Draco had the same idea as me, so all of us were squashed at the end of the table. I was still a tad bit ticked from when Ron, Harry, Seamus and Dean thought it would be appropriate to sneak up behind Neville and I in such a... compromising situation, but, they're good guys, even though they can be pretty stupid. It was a pretty enjoyable meal, and there seemed to more food here, then at the Hufflepuff table. I'll have to enquire about that with Winky, on the way back to the common room tonight. So after breakfast, Ron had to leave a tad early, as he forgot his bag in his dorm. I was smushed between him and Neville, so when he left, I noticed something fall from a pocket of his robes. It was a Muggle USB drive. I scooped it up, without anyone noticing. When I left the table, I shoved the USB in my book bag.

Neville's P.O.V.

After lunch, Gryffindors have Herbology, with the Hufflepuffs, then we both have a free period. Ruby and I worked together, repotting Mandrakes. She was miming what I looked like picking the little things up. I never knew I looked so constipated. After class, Ruby said, "One sec, I'm gonna go get my laptop." I know what a laptop is, obviously, but I'm not sure what she needed to do on it, as at Hogwarts, we don't type our essays but, I didn't question it. I sat down under the Willow tree, by the lake, which is now officially my favourite tree. A few minutes later, Ruby came back, carrying her laptop. It was covered in Dan and Phil stickers, PJO and HoO stickers, and other random stickers. She sat down beside me, and opened up the computer. She whipped out a small plastic and metal stick. I looked at it, confused. "Oh, this is a USB. It's used to keep files on, so you can bring them with you, and when your computer runs out of space." She put the flash drive in the side of the computer. The file came up, and she opened it. There were two files saved to it. The first was named, 'RubyxNeville.vid' Ruby read it out loud. "What the actual fudge." There was The other file was called "DracoxMikayla.vid" We didn't open that one, as that would be strange. She was slightly in shock, so I leant over, and clicked on the first file. It opened up, full screen, and showed exactly what I feared. It was the camera recording that Ron took of us. He obviously isn't very good at filming, or containing laughter, as every few seconds, the angle would drop, as if he were doubled over laughing silently. I could here Harry whispering to go faster, and then came what they were waiting for. There was at least three minutes of Ruby and I snogging. Oi. Suddenly, I heard the all too familiar sound of Seamus yelling "NEVILLE'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!?" I could see Ruby's face pull away from me, beet red, as she marched up to Ron and picked him up by the collar, and Ruby yelling at him. A poorly made graphic that read 'YOU GOT PUNKED!' popped up, along with some generic vlog music. The video stopped. I couldn't even think. Ruby closed the window, and ejected the USB. She growled, "That son of a banshee..." "Well, those four are gonna feel our wrath." I smirked. I'm gonna them good.

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