Chapter 10: Hog's Head

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Ruby's P.O.V.

So I'll fill you in on what the heck is happening. Mikayla (after much encouragement) told Draco to meet us here at noon. It's noon. Mikayla and I are sitting in a booth at the back of he Hog's Head, looking way to suspicious. Neville walks in. Jeez he's cute. He looks around, utterly terrified, might I add, and then sees us at the back. He walks over to us, nearly tripping over some warlock's long cloak, but gets over to us before he broke anything. He sat down beside me. Mikayla tries (and fails) to stifle loud giggles at my face. Let's just that I looked quite stupid. Neville scanned around our table, then looks at Mikayla. "Umm... Why exactly are you here?" He asked her, quietly. "Shush, shush." She replied, looking over at the door. Draco swaggered into the pub. He didn't look as proud as normal. But when he saw Mikayla, his look of nervousness, was replaced with a face that suggested he had just seen a ghost. And two extra ghosts on top of that. And then all three of the ghosts had flashed at him. He walked over to our table and sat down beside Mikayla. It seemed he tried to grab her hand, but decided against it. No one had yet to say anything. So I started talking. I'm pretty good at that.

Neville's P.O.V.

As I walked into to the Hog's Head I saw Ruby at the back of the pub. But guess who else was there. Mikayla. Great. Just great. More people to make a fool of myself in front of. Anywho, I sat down beside Ruby. Like in the the Three Broomsticks a few weeks ago, her hair smelled like Honeydukes. I'm starting to wonder if they sell shampoo. I'll check later. I was about to hold her hand, but I thought that would be weird. I know, I'm very immature. Sheesh. Guess who else just walked in? Draco. And guess who else is walking over to our table. Draco. Dang it. He sat down beside Mikayla. I KNOW WHAT THEY DID! THIS IS A DOUBLE DATE! Why did the girls not tell us. Oi.

A.N.: I know that this is completely irrelevant, but I'm writing this while listening to the Cats soundtrack. Also my cat now has an Instagram. It's fidget_the_figgy.

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