ChaptɘЯ Onɘ

375 10 16

The first of the five men to wake up was Jonathan. He slowly sat up and groaned, the worst headache of his life clawing at his brain.

"Ugh, my fuckin' head." He hissed, taking in his surroundings and almost screaming.

"GUYS! Brian! James! Reggie! Wake the FUCK up!" He yelped, looking down at his currently unconscious friends who were lying next to him on the floor. Jonathan realized that he was on the verge of a panic attack and took a deep breath. He had never found himself in this kind of situation before, causing him to lose his cool.

"What the- Where the fuck are we?" Head groaned, sitting up.

"I don't know, man." Jon mumbled. He pulled his knees to his chest and placed his chin on them, hoping that being in that position would make him feel better.

"Something's wrong. We need to get out of here." Head stated. As the two inspected their surroundings, they noted they were in some sort of large basement with a flight of old wooden stairs that led to a door and a window that was too small to fit a fit a human through. The floor was covered with fuzzy red blankets and a couple of all black bean bags. There was a bass, a guitar, and a drum set that occupied one corner of the room, a huge TV against one of the walls, and an intricate shelving unit that was stuck to another wall. The shelving unit was split into eight different sections, each one holding items. The first five were filled with clothes, the sixth had liquor, the seventh had notebooks and pens while the eighth had five packs of cigarettes, five different colored lighters and joint papers. Fieldy was the next to wake up, muttering a string of curse words as he sat up and took in his surroundings.

"Where the hell are we?" He wondered aloud.

"Some basement." Head hissed. Jon suddenly sprung to his feet and rushed up the creaky stairs, each one screaming under his weight. His hands flew to the doorknob just as a bead of sweat fell from his forehead and onto the tip of his nose. To his dismay, the wooden door was locked. He could feel his claustrophobia kicking in and suddenly wished he was at home, getting drunk with the guys. He felt tears well in his eyes at the thought, and his stomach tied itself into one big knot.

"It's locked!" He screeched, pounding his fists on the door.

"HELP! SOMEBODY!" He desperately screamed. After several minutes of freaking out and making as much noise as he could, he came to the grim conclusion that no one was going to make the slightest attempt to rescue him and his best friends from the shitty situation that they found themselves in.

"Jonathan... Jon, stop. It isn't going to help..." Fieldy trailed off, getting up and walking to the foot of the stairs in order to be able to see Jon better.

"Fuck." Jonathan sighed, breaking down. Fieldy hung his head and trudged up the stairs and pulled Jon into a tight embrace in an attempt to calm him. Jon quickly hugged back and sobbed.

"What if we never get out of here?" He whispered. All of the commotion had awoken the other two males who had previously been knocked the fuck out.

"Are those cigarettes? God, I need one right now." Munky darkly chuckled, jumping to his feet and walking to the shelf that held the five packs of butts. He quickly grabbed one, undid the clear plastic packaging and opened the pack before pulling out the little piece of paper inside. He quickly retrieved a cancer stick and placed it in between his lips, lighting it with one of the lighters.

"We need to come up with a way outta' here." Head stated.

"Maybe we can open that window up there and scream out it or something." David suggested, hopping to his feet and walking up to it.

"Aaand it's bulletproof glass... Great..." He muttered under his breath. As each second passed, the guys found what was left of their hope slowly disintegrate to nothing.

"Dude, it's a window. Just break it." Head angrily stated. 

"If it's bulletproof it isn't going to break." Munky slightly laughed. He found the fact that Head didn't understand the concept of bulletproof glass quite comedic. He was taking this the best out of all of them. Although he was scared, he had faith that he and his brothers would get themselves out of the situation that presented itself. 

"There has to be somethin'!" Jon yelped, suddenly feeling extremely claustrophobic. He had always suffered from that phobia, but, never in a room so large. He felt as though the walls were going to close in on him. 

"Jon, we've tried the door, the window can't break, face it, we might just need to wait for whoever brought us here to come down." Munky sighed. Jon shook his head. He just couldn't accept that. There had to be something he could do. There just had to.

"No, there has to be something we can do." He hissed. 

"This is FUCKED!" Fieldy yelled, suddenly feeling the need to punch something. 

"Munky's right. When that fucker comes down here we should beat the shit out of him and run." He added.

"What if he doesn't come back down? What if he left us here to die?" Jon yelped, his voice going an octave higher than usual.

"Jonathan, whoever it was left us butts, alcohol, clothes, instruments and a TV. I don't think they want us to fuckin' die." Munky said. Jon nodded. He knew that Munky was right, but that didn't stop his brain from going to much darker places and coming up with the worst possible outcomes of the situation.

"I swear to fuckin' fuc-" Head was cut off by Munky shushing him, and silence fell upon the group. The noise of footsteps echoed out from behind the door and before they knew it, the sound of the door being unlocked filled the room. The guys all shared a look that said one thing. Get ready. And they did. All of them stood in a line, preparing for an all out war. As soon as the door opened however, the guys were extremely surprised when a tall goth man, a punk-rock chick, a nerdy girl and a goth guy who looked extremely feminine entered the basement.

"I can't believe this is happening. Holy fuck. My name's Jeordie." The short goth guy squealed, happy that they were finally awake. He glanced at Fieldy with large eyes, his pupils growing in size due to the fact that he was looking at the one man who he had loved for years. He was wearing a pair of black calf high boots that had 6 inch platforms, tight black pants, and an extremely light pastel pink shirt.

"And I'm Nevaeh. Nice to meet you guys." The slightly nerdy-looking chick warmly smiled. She was wearing a Star Wars tee shirt and a pair of sweat pants along with a cross that hung from a chain around her neck and cat slippers.

"I'm Raven." The punk rock chick quietly stated, looking anywhere but the guys. She was extremely shy, especially around new people, even if she had an obsession with them, such as in this case. She wore a black tank top with a red and black checkered flannel over it, along with ripped black jeans and a chain that hung from her pocket.

"And I'm Raelinn." The tall goth male said with a smirk, eyeing Jonathan. He was sporting a black tee shirt and jeans that slightly hugged the thighs, but not the calves, topped off with a pair of black Creepers.


Have a great day!

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