ChaptɘЯ FouЯ

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Jonathan stayed in the basement, not coming upstairs for anything. He was silently plotting his route of escape. He knew he needed to get out as soon as possible, and refused to do anything else until he had a plan made up that would get himself out of the situation that he found himself in. On top of that, he couldn't stop thinking about his life before this had happened to him. He had just recently landed a record deal with some random ass label, his girlfriend had finally accepted his apology from their last argument, everything was seemingly falling into place. And then this happened. He was angry at the world. Angry at everything and everyone for making him live this life. He despised any God that existed for putting him in this house, and for the first time in awhile, he wanted nothing more than to return his life to said God. He didn't want it anymore. But deep down he knew that exiting this world was not the answer to his problems. His stomach's growls pulled him from his thoughts and he decided on leaving the basement for once. Raising to his feet, he descended the stairs that led to the house and opened the wooden door. He found Fieldy and David on the couch with Nevaeh, Jeordie and Raven.

"Um... You guys have any food?" Jonathan asked. Raven nodded and pointed to the kitchen where Jon made himself a sandwich.

"What are you guys watching?" He mumbled, looking at the TV screen.

"Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Would you like to join us?" Nevaeh asked. He silently made his way to the couch and plopped down next to Nevaeh who lightly smiled.

While the group was enjoying their 90's TV shows, Raelinn spent his time in his bedroom, curled into the fetal position. For some reason he blamed himself for what Jeordie had done, and worried for his safety. It had been his idea to kidnap the guys, and if Jeordie went to prison for something that he had convinced him to do, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. He silently cried as thoughts of self harm filled his head. He had been clean from that kinds thing for numerous years now, and yet he was still having urges. Raelinn knew what needed to be done, and knew he deserved every second of it. His whole life he had been friendless, up until the day he met Nevaeh, which ended in him meeting Jeordie and Raven. Of course he loved his friends dearly, but he still felt as though he didn't fit in. Well, he knew he didn't fit in. The other three all had something in common, something that he didn't have. Raelinn would give the world in order to get whatever it was, for he wanted nothing more than to find the place where he belonged. Deep down he knew that he belonged nowhere but six feet under, in a casket. But he had Jon, now. He was supposed to help him feel as though he had a place, he was supposed to be the missing piece. And yet, he still felt... Wrong. He pulled himself to his feet and trudged into the bathroom, wiping his teary eyes. Knowing just what would make him feel better, he grabbed the razor sitting on the counter top and hopped in the shower before turning on the cold water. He didn't even bother with taking off his clothes, he was too messed up to care about the fabric that stuck to his paper white skin. He just wanted everything to be over.

"What's wrong, Jonathan? You look down." Nevaeh stated, a look of worry covering her face. Jon had been curled up on the couch, unresponsive for the last ten minutes, staring off into space.

"I miss my lady." He muttered.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Jon." Raven sighed, rubbing his back. He quietly sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

"It's fine though. I'm okay." He stated. Raven rolled her eyes. She was highly experienced in the field of lying about how she was feeling. So experienced in fact, that she had become pretty good at telling when people were lying themselves. She wished Jonathan would be comfortable enough with her to be honest about those kinds of things for she really, truly cared.
"Jon, I know it may not seem like it, but we care. We honestly care about your well being and you in general. I understand you may not like it, but we at least expect you to be honest. Please have the decency to at least do that with us." Nevaeh mumbled.
"As a matter of fact, to show how much we care, I'm gonna let you call your bitch." Jeordie smiled, pulling out his phone (A/N: I had to pause and think about that sentence before I finished it xD).
"What? Jeordie?! We can't do that!" Raven yelped, sitting up.
"Sure we can. He doesn't know where we are, he doesn't even know what state we're in. If things get bad, we can take the phone away." Jeordie shrugged. That's the thing about him, his ideas might sound crazy at first, but they usually turn out good. Usually.
"Well, I guess that would be alright.." Nevaeh trailed off.
"Maybe we should talk to Raelinn about it?" Raven suggested.
"Where is he?" Nevaeh asked, looking around.
"He told me he wanted to be left alone." Jeordie explained with a grim expression.
"Eh. He's probably just listening to music or something. I'm sure he would be okay with it." Raven shrugged.
"Alright... What's her number?" Jeordie asked. Jonathan told the goth man his lady's number and took the phone from Jeordie before engaging in a conversation with the woman. He made sure to say nothing incriminating, and basically stated that he was fine. After about an hour long conversation, he ended the call -rather abruptly- and threw the phone at Jeordie before bolting upstairs, where he assumed his friends would be located. On the way there, however, he heard the sounds of someone crying. Thinking of who it would have been, he remembered that one cute man with the black hair, the less faggy looking of the two goths. He fought back the urge to find the crying man and comfort him in some way, even if he was his kidnapper. He felt bad for anyone who was crying alone, no matter what the circumstances. He found himself knocking on the door that belonged to the crying person, not realizing what he was doing.
"Go away." Raelinn cried. Jonathan opened the door and saw that he was in the bathroom, sitting on the floor with his arm covered in blood.
"Shit, what happened?" He asked, rushing over to him.
"N-nothing. Please, please don't tell the rest of them. They will think I'm even more of a freak then they already do." He whispered, looking down at himself in disgust. He felt so frightened, more so than he had ever felt in his entire life. He wanted the others to accept him, like him even. But if they knew that he had cut himself, they would hate him forever.

Or so he thought.

"Okay. I won't tell them. I know what its like to be in your position. But I want you to promise you won't do it again." Jonathan sighed. He had been a cutter for years when he was going through school, before he got mixed up in drugs.
"Okay." He mumbled.
"C'mon." Jon stated, offering him a hand up. He took it and rose to his feet before allowing Jon to drag him to the sink. He ran cold water over the goth man's fresh wounds, and inspected the damage.
"You cut pretty deep." He muttered. Raelinn sighed, grabbed a First Aid kit out of the cabinet and retrieved bandages from the plastic box. Jon silently wrapped up his arm, his fingers lingering on his skin for a few seconds longer than they could have.
"Erm... I'm gonna go. I have a lot of fuckin' alcohol to drink." He muttered, walking out and making his way back down to the basement, deciding against talking to Reggie or James as he had planned on.


I hope y'all are having a nice day/night!

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