ChaptɘЯ Twɘlvɘ

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Nevaeh and Raelinn awoke, handcuffed to a radiator.

Upon looking around the room, they came to the conclusion that they were in some sort of basement.

"Wow, is this how the guys felt?" Raelinn joked, trying to make light of the situation that presented itself. 

"Probably. How are we gonna get the hell out of here, Rae?" Nevaeh asked, tugging on her cuffed hand. 

"I don't know. At least, not right now. Give me a second." Raelinn murmured, trying to come up with some sort of plan. In order to get out of there, Rae knew that he was going to have to get the cuffs off of himself and his friend. Right as he realized that there wasn't a way to get out of the metal restraints without breaking a bone or two, the door leading to the basement opened and in walked the man who had put them there. 

"Hey." He greeted with a smile, treating the situation like it was no big deal at all that he had kidnapped two people. 

"Let me the fuck outta' here!" Raelinn snarled. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, sorry. But, uh, my name's Nexi, what's yours?" He asked. Raelinn responded by spitting on his shoes. 

"Okay, how about you?" He muttered, turning his attention to Nevaeh. 

"Dude, you're crazy." She stated. He rolled his eyes in response. 

"Alright, well, when you guys feel like sharing your names, just yell and I'd be glad to engage in conversation once more. As for right now, imma' go play Mortal Kombat." He shrugged, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. 

"Mortal Kombat?" Nevaeh questioned. 

"Pssh! Mortal Kombat sucks dick." Raelinn scoffed. (A/N: No Mortal Kombat hate, I just needed some sort of mean statement to go here)

"Either way, we need to get the hell out of here!" Nevaeh exclaimed.

"Well, unless you are down with breaking your damn wrist, we aren't getting out of here without that key." Raelinn stated.

"Maybe we can trick him or something. Get him down here and convince him to free us." Nevaeh suggested.

"Yeah, because someone who kidnapped us is sane enough to reason with." Raelinn darkly laughed.

"We kidnapped people and we're sane." Nevaeh hissed.

"Are we, though?" Rae joked.

"I'd like to think so!" Nevaeh yelped.

"Let's just get him down here and see what we can do." She added.

"Fine. But I am not yelling for him." Rae sighed.

"NEXI!" Nevaeh screamed. Suddenly the door to the room the two humans were being kept in opened once more and Nexi came over to them.

"Yes?" He smiled.

"Can you please let us go?" Nevaeh asked calmly. In a situation like this, she knew she had to be as calm as possible. She needed to keep her cool in order to get herself and her friend out of this mess. Raelinn on the other hand, could only focus on how much hatred he was feeling towards Nexi.

"Now why would I do that? You guys seem pretty cool." He chuckled. Raelinn rolled his eyes.

"Because... I got nothing." Raelinn hissed.

"I had other plans for you, anyways." He chuckled, pulling out a pocket knife.

"OH MY FUCK PUT THAT SHIT AWAY!" Raelinn yelled. Nevaeh was frozen in place, too scared to say anything.

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