ChaptɘЯ Fiftɘɘn

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(A/N: Kind of a boring chapter, but, it is short, sweet and hella' gay. Enjoy! Also, not in a gay way = in a gay way, just sayin'.)

  It didn't take long for Nexi to figure out Munky's mistake, but, it was a discovery caused by pure and utter boredom. Tired of living in a drafty basement with no form of human interaction aside from when someone brought him food, he went to check out what the door-handle looked like. Whoever had put it in the door literally put the damn thing on backwards, so on the outside you could lock it without a key and the inside you needed a key to unlock it. Curious as to if it were possible for him to pick it, he knelt down and put his hand on it in an attempt at getting a better look. He then realized that the door-handle would easily twist, showing that it was clearly not locked. 

Not being able to hear if anyone was up behind the door, he opened it and walked out, much to the surprise of Raven, Head, and Jonathan who were mindlessly watching cartoons while eating cereal.

Jonathan dropped the spoonful of cereal he had into the dish, causing some of the milk to splash up. Head, recently feeling something cold and wet on his leg, broke out of his trance-like state to look over and see the same sight that had caused Jonathan to drop his spoon. Ironically, Head dropped the Eggo waffle he was about to consume -like a pig due to his current insatiable hunger- and widened his eyes greatly. 

"Guys, that's just the person Nevaeh and Raelinn trapped in the basement.. Wait, what the fuck are you doing out of the basement? I thought we were gonna keep you down there!" Raven hissed. 

"Someone left the door unlocked." Nexi honestly confided with a slight shrug. 

Raven looked down and thought for a second before shrugging back, coming to the conclusion that it wasn't her problem and Raelinn or Nevaeh could deal with it when they came down. 

"Should he really be up here?" Jonathan whispered, not wanting Nexi to hear. Too bad he was bad at whispering, much like too many other people on this planet, and spoke loud enough to be heard by anyone within a ten feet radius, which Nexi indeed was. 

"What's he gonna do? Kill us? There is three of us and one of him. Plus he's scrawny. I think we're good." Raven chuckled. 

"What's your name anyway?" Head asked, rather nonchalantly. 

"I'm Nexi." He stated with a smile. 

"I'm Head." He replied. 

"I know, huge fan of your band. You guys need to get together and make an album soon." Nexi exclaimed. 

"We were gonna." He sighed, feeling slightly sad that he had met these people at such a bad time. 

"I guess kidnappers have shitty timing." Jonathan joked, noticing that his friend had just switched moods, something Head was known for. Head didn't quite make the cut to be described as "moody" when it comes to how many times his mood can change, but, it was damn close. Jon knew this when it came to his friend and always tried to help when he could. 

"Why couldn't you guys let us go so we could fuckin' record?" Head hissed in Raven's direction.

"We worked so fucking hard to get a record deal, so fucking hard man! And we finally get it and you people just had to fuckin' take all of that shit away." He ranted. 

"How was I supposed to know that you were just about to record?!" Raven exclaimed. She was fighting a losing battle here, and everyone knew it. As soon as Head pulled the 'kidnapping' card, she was toast. 

"I don't know, maybe be a normal fuckin' person and not kidnap someone just because you are too fuckin' shy to make friends?!" Head hissed. Raven wasn't a shy being, she was just shy when it came to interacting with people she didn't know. 

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