Author's Note

49 1 4

So, as this story is coming to a close, I am running out of ideas. 

I have the beginning of chapter sixteen written, I know what I am doing with chapter seventeen, but, I have no fucking clue what to do with eighteen and nineteen. 

If you have anything, and I mean anything that you would like to see happen in this story, big or small, let me know. 

If you want someone to hang out with someone, have an argument with someone, anything, please share. 

It would be amazing if you could include Nexi because in order for my ending and the sequel to work I need everyone to like Nexi and I also really need to unfold his ulterior motive.

It can be funny, it can be sad, really, anything. 

I am completely out of ideas. 

What I really need are some activities to write about and maybe some suggested dialogue. 

But any ideas would help. 

Thank you in advance!

PЯosThɘticsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ