ChaptɘЯ Sɘvɘn

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When everyone was fully awake, they took down the tents and headed back home.

"I am never going camping again." Nevaeh stated as she walked in the front door.

"Oh, come on. It was really fun." Raven smiled.

"You're only saying that because you got to see Head naked." Nevaeh grumbled. Raven blushed and was about to tell Nevaeh that she was wrong when she realized seeing Head naked was indeed the only thing she liked about that camping trip.

"Like you haven't seen David naked already." Jeordie snickered.

"N-No. I have not. And I do not plan on doing so, either." She stated.

"That's not what David told me." Head sang. Nevaeh's face turned as red as a tomato and she rushed into the living room in an attempt to escape the awkward conversation.

"Wait- What?! Did they do the nasty?" Raven asked.

"No! It's none of your business." David snapped.

"Aw is someone upset that she walked in on you when you got out of the shower?" Munky teased.

"Ha! So she did see you naked!" Jeordie exclaimed.

"Thank God it wasn't me with my fucked up body." Munky muttered.

"Your body isn't fucked up." Raven quietly said, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You haven't even seen my body." He stated.

"Your body is not fucked up. Raven is right." Jeordie smiled. Munky shook his head and dropped the subject, not wanting to argue with them anymore.

"Does anyone want to go with me to the bookstore?" Nevaeh asked, remembering she had finished her book.

"Ooh! Me!" Jordie exclaimed.

"What if the cops found your fingerprints on that needle? You could be wanted, dude." Nevaeh stated. Jeordie had forgotten about the whole "wanted" situation. Since he was always in the manor, he didn't really keep up with the outside world. None of them did, really. They sort of just lived in their own little world.

"Wait, what? What did he do?" Fieldy quickly asked.

"He kidnapped you." Raven laughed.

"Hey, that rhymed! Anyway, I still want to go. I like to live dangerously." Jeordie smirked. Nevaeh slowly shook her head.

"Fine, but if you go to prison, it's your fault." She sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go." Jeordie stated in a tone of annoyance.

"Jeordie, are you sure?" Fieldy asked.

"He's whipped!" Head joked.

"Shut up, fool. Before I fuck you up." Fieldy hissed. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was being called whipped. He was Reginald Arvizu. He wasn't whipped for anyone.

"Ooh I'm soooo scared." Head laughed.

"Whatever." Fieldy grumbled, fleeing upstairs. Jeordie frowned.

"Aren't you gonna follow after your boyfriend?" Munky asked.

"He's not my boyfriend! Not yet at least..." Jeordie mumbled, the last part almost inaudible.

"Oh come on! You guys have been like fricken' rabbits! You mean to tell me you guys aren't together?!" Nevaeh asked, a tone of disbelief seeping into her words.

"It's complicated, alright?! Can we just go, please?" Jeordie hissed. Silence fell upon the group.

"Yeah. Let's go." Nevaeh sighed, hanging her head. The pair left the manor, closing the door behind them.

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