ChaptɘЯ Six

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While the group were in search of a little adventure, David and Nevaeh sat, completely silent. Nevaeh suddenly cleared her throat and retracted her hands from David's neck.

"Well.. I'm going to go get a book." She stated, pulling herself to her feet.

"Okay. Don't get lost." David joked. Nevaeh lightly chuckled and raced up the stairs, eager to dive into the book that she had been reading for awhile now. She only had 10 more chapters until the end, something she knew she could read within an hour or two. She was prepared to finish the book once and for all. The problem was, this was her last book at the mansion, meaning she would have to go into town and pick up another one soon. Retrieving the piece of literature from her room, she headed back downstairs before plopping down on the couch and opening the book.

"Whatchya reading?" David asked, still sitting on the floor. Neveah had, out of instinct, sat down in the same spot she was previously in, and found David leaning back against her legs, tilting his head back so he could get a view of the cover. She felt really awkward to be in such an intimate position with him, but at the same time she enjoyed it greatly.

"It's called The Collector. Its Rae's favorite book, so he loaned it to me until I finish it." She smiled.

"Huh. What's it about?" David asked. Nevaeh didn't mind answering his questions, even though normally when someone bugged her while she was trying to read she would tell them off.

"A guy who has been stalking this girl for years ends up kidnapping her and forcing her to live in his basement." She explained. The plot had intrigued her, and so far, the book did not disappoint. (A/N: Y'all need to watch the movie or read the book, it is great.)

"Sounds cool." He smiled, standing up. Before she could do anything, he had snatched the hardcover out of her hands and held it up in the air.

"Hey! Give that back!" She hissed, jumping to her feet and attempting to get her book back.

"Hmm... How about you come and get it?" He devilishly suggested. She narrowed her eyes at the drummer. How dare he rip a piece of literature that she was in the middle of reading out of her hands! A piece of literature that she had almost finished reading, no less.

"David. Give me my fricken' book back right now." She stated. Even though his actions were slightly annoying, she loved how playful they were being, heck, she loved how friendly they were being in general. His actions reminded her of Head, and she suddenly felt worry build up in the pit of her stomach. What if the guys ran off while they were on their little "adventure"?

"How badly do you want it?" He laughed, slowly backing up.

"Don't you dare do what I think you're about to do! I do not feel like chasing you around the house." She muttered. He didn't listen.

"Gosh darn it!" She hissed as he took off running into the dining room. Nevaeh followed, flailing her arms around. (A/N: This really isn't something I could see Nevaeh saying, but, I couldn't edit it out because it never fails to make me laugh.)

"Stop! Come back here!" She laughed.
They came to a stand still, David at one end of the dark wood table and Nevaeh at the other. He teasingly waved the book around, causing her to narrow her eyes at him.

"Come get it." He sang. Nevaeh rolled her eyes before walking towards him. He darted to the opposite side of the table.

"Really? Are we really engaging in such childish behavior?" She asked.

"What? You don't like physical exercise?" He chuckled.

"No, it's not that. I just want to read!" She hissed. He shrugged, causing her to attempt to run the other way. He simply ran in the opposite direction, making it impossible for her to get to him. Deciding that she really wanted the book, she jumped onto the table and tackled David, pulling the book out of his grasp and holding it up victoriously.

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