ChaptɘЯ Sixtɘɘn

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(A/N: I haven't written in awhile, so, I feel like this chapter is going to start off a little cringy and then get better. Sorry. Also, this chapter is super short cause' I ran out of ideas. Sorry again. )

A week filled with boring days had passed. 

Raven and Head had made up since their argument, Jonathan had almost completely forgiven Nexi for stealing his marshmallows, and things were back to being as normal as it get's around the manor. 

Nexi didn't talk to people too much, he always seemed to be in his head. But, he spoke just enough for it to not be questioned by the people around him. Little to their knowledge, his spaciness was really just him listening. Nexi was really good at doing just that. Eventually everyone became okay with his presence, but, no one had really taken the time to get to know him. Nevaeh and Raelinn still held a grudge, making it hard for them to even want to talk to the man. 

Raven, much like almost everybody else, had an uneventful week filled with lounging around, listening to music, getting high, and hanging with Head. 

Nevaeh had miraculously stopped being sick, and was glad to confirm that it was just some fluke bout of food poisoning or something. 

Really, everyone just chilled out and spent their time doing things that they found fun. 

...Until today. 

Raelinn, Raven, and Jeordie had spoken of making pot brownies for some time, the thought being bounced around as a joke but secretly wanted by all three of them. And after an entire week of utter boredom, Rae decided to make their dream of having some pot brownies come true. Of course, being the nice guy he is, he decided to also make regular brownies for Nevaeh and Nexi. As the process to making canabutter was not a short one, he got up early just to be able to have both brownie pans ready for when people woke up as a sort of surprise, hoping that everyone's spirit's would be lifted. 

And that they were. 

Since pot brownies were extremely potent, Rae made sure to cut them up into rather small pieces once they were done and waited with a smile on his face for people to come downstairs. 

Nevaeh and David were the first ones down and Raelinn had an amazingly terrible idea upon seeing Nevaeh. 

"Nev, want a brownie?" He offered. 

"No thank you, I just got over being sick and we all know your cooking sucks." Nevaeh chuckled. 

"No offense." She added. 

"Some taken. C'mon, I ate one already and they are amazing." Rae pressured. 

"Rae, I can smell the pot in here, I know those are not regular brownies even if I were to say yes." Nevaeh sighed. 

"But I made ones that are regular brownies, please just try it." Raelinn pleaded. 

'Not that the one you're gonna try is going to be a regular one, though' He thought.

"Fine." Nevaeh stated. Rae got a special brownie, put it on a paper towel, and handed it to Nevaeh who sat down on the couch. She immediately begun sniffing the brownie. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" Raelinn laughed. 

"Trying to make sure you aren't poisoning me!" She exclaimed. Rae rolled his eyes and watched as she took a bite. 

"Y'know, it doesn't taste bad." Nevaeh stated with a smile. 

"Thank you, I tried really hard." Raelinn smirked. Not wanting to wait until he was too fucked up to possibly point to which tray of brownies was special and which one wasn't, he walked to the foot of the stairs. 

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