ChaptɘЯ ThЯɘɘ

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Nevaeh was the first one to wake up, and found herself sneaking down into the basement as soon as she was fully awake. She found Jonathan in the corner with an almost empty bottle of Jack, David with his head on his drum set, Head in the fetal position with his arm on the guitar that was laying in front of him, and Munky sprawled out on the floor in the middle of the room, all completely and utterly unconscious. She smiled and decided on leaving the basement, not wanting to wake any of them up. She headed into the kitchen, made herself a cup of coffee and plopped down on the couch in the living room. Nevaeh had left a book in every one of her favorite hangout spots around the house, one of those spots being the living room's glass table. She retrieved her book from the table and begun to read while sipping her coffee. Nevaeh was too zoned in to her book to notice that Raven had crept down the stairs.

"Do you think that we should let them come upstairs yet?" Raven quietly asked, sitting down next to Nevaeh.

"I don't see why not, I mean, we did lock all of the windows, put bars on them and lock the doors." She mumbled, not looking up from her book.

"I just feel so bad making them sleep on the floor down there when we have perfectly good rooms." Raven sighed. The four kidnappers had inhabited an old mansion, one that was easy to get lost in if you took the wrong turn. Jeordie and Nevaeh knew this all too well.

"Well, they are all asleep right now, but when they wake up we can bring them up here." Nevaeh stated.

"Cool. Also, do you know how to get Jeordie to shut the fuck up? He snores so loud!" Raven exclaimed. Nevaeh chuckled at the statement, remembering when she had to switch rooms due to Jeordie's snores.

"I don't know, maybe stuff a fricken' sock in his mouth or something." She shrugged.

"I'll just blast music until he wakes up, I guess." Raven smiled.

"Wouldn't that wake up Raelinn too?" Nevaeh asked.

"No, don't you remember? He moved his room to a whole other part of the house." Raven explained. It was true, Raelinn had relocated to a totally different part of their home. He never felt like one of the group, and thought that if he was so close to the rest of them, he might make them uncomfortable in some way.

"Awe. That sucks... I wish he would understand that we don't hate him.." Nevaeh trailed off.

"Me too." Raven sighed, standing up and stretching. Nevaeh turned her attention to her book and didn't hear when Raven exited the room. A minute or two later, music was being blasted so loud that the floors shook slightly. Nevaeh smiled when she recognized the song being played as 'Take the Power Back' by Rage Against The Machine. Meanwhile, Raven was sitting in bed, jamming out when the door to her room swung open and Jeordie walked in with a look that could kill.

"I need my beauty sleep." He hissed, yelling so he could be heard over the music. He was wearing his pajamas, which consisted of a black tee shirt and boxers, his unruly black, shoulder-length hair stuck in a few of the many ear piercings he had punched into himself. 

"You need your what?" Raven asked, not hearing him clear enough.

"BEAUTY. SLEEP." He screamed. Raven nodded and turned the music down.

"Sorry, friend, but you snore louder than King Kong would if he had a sinus infection." Raven stated. And then she was tackled by an extremely cranky Jeordie who begun to fight her in order to make her turn the music down.

"TURN IT DOWN!" He demanded, pulling some of her hair.

"NEVER!" She responded, spitting on him.

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