ChaptɘЯ FouЯtɘɘn

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(A/N: So, I am gearing up for a close to PЯosthɘtics as this book is going to be twenty chapters long. Six more chapters away. And a prologue. Anyway, I was thinking about writing a little flashback type scene as I think it would be really Kool to talk about how a certain unwritten event went down. I hope y'all are ready for it. Also, I toned it down with the drama in this chapter, so, it is a tad bit boring. Just a heads up.)

The next day, when people came downstairs for breakfast and realized they only had fruit, bread or cheese to eat, there were some unhappy kidnap-ees 

"I am dying of starvation, man!" Head exclaimed grumpily as he sat down on the couch with his arms crossed. 

"Me too. But all of us are wanted." Raven sighed, of course being by his side. The night before had went fairly well for the pair, and she ended up passing out right next to Head. 

"Oh wait, we have cheese." He stated with a smile, the fact that there remained two slices of cheese in the all black fridge seemingly slipping his mind previously. He got up and walked to the fridge, grabbing both pieces and nibbling on one. He also decided to raid the liquor cabinet that he knew existed in the house, picking out some Jack and walking back over to the couch. 

Raven had decided on not eating until real food was present as she wasn't really in the mood for toast, it was pretty plain and boring. 

"Whisky and cheese?" Raven joked, looking over at her significant other. 

"Yup'." He goofily smiled, taking a swig out of the glass bottle. 

It was at the same time when Raelinn came stumbling down the stairs, his black mop of a head of hair looking like a bird's nest. 

"We need food." Head stated, thinking that the information was a top priority to share with any member of the household. 

"I really don't know what the fuck we are gonna do." Rae stated, speaking in a lower voice that usual due to the fact that he had just woken up and was still groggy. 

"And are those Jon's shorts?" Head questioned, seeing Rae wearing a pair of shorts that he had previously seen on Jonathan one night when they played a show the year prior. 

"Maybe." Raelinn stated, sitting down on the couch next to the two. 

"Go you, Rae." Raven stated with a chuckle. 

"Fuck it, I'll go." Rae suddenly said with a shrug, referring to the fact that they basically needed someone as sacrifice to TRY and get food. 

"Are you serious? You could get arrested." Raven mumbled, still slightly tired and yet aware enough to know that one of her friends was basically on a suicide mission. 

"Yeah, I'm probably the only one out of this bunch who can take getting arrested well. Might as well seeing as we really need to at least try, right?" Raelinn darkly chuckled. Even though Rae sounded as if he were just being ballsy to Raven and Head, he really didn't care what happened to his person at this point. Unlike Nexi, he was in a rather deep pit of depression. Rae really just hoped that he would be arrested or maybe die in a car accident. The thought of a car accident made him feel slightly excited. He could crash and not wear his seatbelt (as per usual) causing him to die on impact. 

It wouldn't be that hard. 

"Yeah, I guess so." Raven sighed. 

Just as Raelinn was about to leave, knowing full well that he most likely wouldn't be coming back and it wouldn't be due to him being incarcerated, Raven spoke up.

"Don't you at least want to say bye to Jonathan?" She asked, feeling as though not doing so would be weird for Rae. 

"Yeah, I guess so." Rae murmured, not wanting to face him. Rae didn't really want to face anyone, he just wanted to leave and never come back.

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