ChaptɘЯ Ninɘ

112 7 11

Jeordie waited a few seconds, what just happened still processing in his brain. Without thinking, his feet pulled him up the stairs, following after Fieldy. As if on cue, Head and Raven came rushing downstairs due to them having heard the argument.

Meanwhile, Manson was helped up by David who gave him a light pat on the back.

"I am going to fucking kill that kid the next time I see him." Manson hissed.

"That kid has a name y'know, and he is a huge fan of you." Head mumbled. Marilyn looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" He asked. Head nodded.

"He fuckin' loves you, man. That's why he did what he did." Jon smiled. Manson looked down and thought about what the two males had just disclosed to him. He was still angry at the kid who had brought him here, but, he wasn't as angry as he had been before he heard the information.

"Yeah. Jeordie loves you and what you do. He understands it and supports it 110%." Raelinn stated.

"I'm still fucking pissed that little fuck brought me here." Manson snapped. It was true. No matter what they said, he was still going to be furious. Furious that someone would dare take away his freedom and force him into an environment that he didn't want to be in. Just thinking about it made his blood pressure rise.

"Dude, he is a small guy, alright? I understand if you're upset, but, don't go after him, okay?" Raelinn replied.

"Don't go after him? Are you fucking crazy?! HE KIDNAPPED ME!" Manson yelled.

"Calm the fuck down. He just meant that he is extremely sensitive, and to be honest, you would beat the crap out of him in a fight, which, isn't necessarily fair." Nevaeh hissed. Everyone looked at her as if she had two heads.

"Since when do you cuss?!" Raven yelped, confused as to why her RELIGIOUS best friend was swearing.

"I realized that there is more proof that God doesn't exist than proof that he does. And, I swear all the time, I just haven't done it around you guys." She shrugged. Everyone who knew Nevaeh was questioning her and her choice of words. They had never heard her swear, nor did they get the impression that she ever would swear, or give up her belief in God, for that matter.

"The cross isn't on her neck anymore, either." Raven mumbled, noticing the absence of the necklace that Nevaeh had worn since day one.

"Does that mean she is finally gonna bang David?" Jonathan asked. Nevaeh's cheeks tinted pink at the statement.

"What it does not mean is that I am a whore!" She yelped. It felt weird for Raelinn and Raven to hear their best friend cuss. Even though it was odd, it still sounded natural for her. At least, in their opinion. Raelinn had heard some people cuss who either didn't make sense, or it just didn't sound right coming from them. But, with Nevaeh, it did.

"I wasn't sayin' that you were." Jon muttered under his breath. Manson, losing his composure, ended up taking a swing at Nevaeh, who knocked him on his ass. She sat on his back, holding his arms behind him.

"What the fuck, dude? What did I do?" She hissed. Manson couldn't answer the question, for she had done nothing wrong. He simply laid there, seething, dreaming of her demise.

"Damn. Who knew she could take down Marilyn Manson." Head chuckled. David simply smirked at her. It was clear that the drummer and her had some sort of thing going on between them, just like it was clear that he loved her. He treated her differently than he treated the others, and every time he looked at her, there was something about his expression that would instantly change.

Meanwhile, Jeordie found his way to Fieldy's room.

"Reggie?" He quietly called, pushing the slightly ajar door until he could fully see Reginald.

"What?" Fieldy snapped, not making eye contact with the goth male.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jeordie whispered.

"No." Reginald replied. Jeordie noticed that he was only giving him short answers, something he knew meant that Reggie was upset. Upset with him.

"Clearly I did something wrong or you wouldn't be acting like this." Jeordie mumbled.

"Acting like what, huh? Tell me Jeordie, what the fuck am I acting like?" Reginald yelled, getting up from his spot on his bed.

"Acting like I did something wrong!" Jeordie exclaimed.

"Y'know, I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could have it easy. I could like you, and you could like me. But no. Of fucking course not." Fieldy snarled. Jeordie took a step back, taking note of the fact that Reginald was slowly getting closer and closer to him with each passing second. Normally he would welcome his closeness and love it when he was being rough with him, but this time was different. Something was off with Fieldy and he knew it. Not only that, but, Jeordie himself was upset.

"Whatever. Just.. Leave me the fuck alone." Reggie hissed. Jeordie looked down, not saying a thing, nor moving a step.

"I SAID, FUCKING GO!" He screamed, getting in his face. Jeordie burst into tears, running out of the room and down the hall, sobbing. He didn't know what he had done to deserve this treatment and it upset him greatly. He felt like a total fuck up, and the incident made him hate himself more than usual. Black makeup streamed down his cheeks as he kept running. He didn't want to be seen by any of his other friends in this disgraceful state. He realized how bad of shape his lungs and legs were in, causing him to stop and sink to the floor, pulling his knees to his chest and trying to take deep breaths.

"Jeordie?" Munky asked upon finding his friend on the ground, crying.

"Go away." He muttered, hiding his face in his hands. Munky wasn't good with crying people, but he felt really bad for the goth kid.

"What happened?" Munks asked, walking over and crouching down next to him.

"Nothing." Jeordie murmured. Munky shook his head.

"Clearly something is wrong, or else you wouldn't be on the fuckin' floor, crying." He stated. A few seconds of silence passed, and Munky really wanted to help him feel better. He silently wrapped his rather long arms around the crying Jeordie and pulled him into a tight hug, causing Jeordie to burst into tears again and claw at his shirt.

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