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*Skylar's POV*
We got on the bus and Hunter and Blake sat in the seats next to me.. which is not normal...

I got on my phone and usually since I sit in the back I would take selfies.. well now that Blake and Hunter are sitting next to me that's just awkward.

We finally arrived at Taylor's stop, I wasn't expecting her to sit next to me because that's also Alan's bus stop. They walked in hand in hand. I put my feet on the seat where Taylor would sit and just scrolled through instagram.

Taylor and Alan sat a few seats up and you can basically hear them saying "I love you" "no I love you" "well I love you more" and yeah yeah yeah!

"Why is Taylor sitting up there?" Blake asked.

"Because she has a boyfriend now and the world only revolves around them two"

"But it doesn't?" He said confused.

"Exactly" I said putting my phone down and sitting up but I still had my feet on the seat.

"When Taylor gets into a relationship just like now she thinks the world revolves around only them.. so I stay out of the way and hangout alone.. so I guess I wouldn't have friends because she is my only friend.. well you guys were my best friends but I guess things change right?" I asked.

Blake and Hunter were looking down.

"Everyone off!" The bus lady said.

I grabbed my backpack and got off the bus.

"Skylar!" Blake said running towards me along with Hunter.

"Hmm?" I asked/hummed.

"What did you mean things change" Blake asked. They followed me to my locker.

"Well.. we all used to be so close *puts a book in her locker* and now we're not... ever since you guys bullied me I lost friends, I get paper thrown at me, I get shoved into lockers, I get called names, and you wanna know the best part of it all?" I asked closing my locker.

"My best friends who I absolutely trusted and cared about turned their backs on me and beat me up everyday..." I said. They both looked at each other with guilt in their faces.

~bell rings~

"I'll see you guys at lunch.." I said and walked away.

I went to my class and right away like always paper was thrown at me and people were calling me names.

~bell rings again~

"Goodmorning students"

"Goodmorning Mrs.Stass" everyone said.

"Okay and today--"

She went on and on but the only thing I could think about was how guilty Blake and Hunter looked..

"Skylar" Mrs.Stass said.

"Huh?" I asked embarrassed.

"What is the answer to the equation?" She asked.

"47 centimeters sqaure?" I asked.

"48." She said sternly.

"Stupid!" "Pathetic" "are dumb or stupid?!" People were flooding me with mean stuff.. I just ignored it or tried at least..

"Students students!!!!" Mrs. Stass said sternly.

~skip to lunch~

I went to my locker and put all my stuff in there and waited for Blake and Hunter.

"Lets go" Hunter said.

I followed him. We finally reached behind the building where we used to hangout when we were friends..

"Why are we back here?" I asked.

"Why not?" Hunter said.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Skylar.." Blake said.

"what?" I asked rudely.

"Damn Sky what's your problem?" Hunter asked.

"I don't want to be here" I said.

"Okay we were trying to be nice but you have been so rude lately" Hunter said.

"Wouldnt you if someone beat you up practically 5 times a week and had the whole school hate you" I said.


"No not well you don't know what that's like!!!" I said cutting Blake off.

"Skylar" Blake said..

I took off running home.. I didn't want to finish the day.. I just wanted to go home..

I then realized I left all my books there so I texted Taylor..

To Tay💜:
I left school early and forgot my shit in my locker can you get it please.. and just drop it off at the door..

From Tay💜:
Okay! Will do!

Wow whatta surprise she answered.

To Tay💜:
Thank you😋

From Tay💜:
No probs😇

I put my phone down and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my razor and started to cut until they wasn't anything else to cut on both my wrists and thighs..

I felt like passing out.. I tried to stand up but I couldn't..

~door bellrings~

"Just a second" I screamed. I covered up my cuts as best as I can.. I fell off the stairs since I couldn't really walk still..

I tried my best to go to the door. I opened it.


Hmmm wonder why Blake is there? Hey queens❤ I hope you enjoyed!! Love you guys❤❤


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