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*Skylar's POV*
What the actual fuck?! He acts like he cares at home we get to school he's a complete asshole..

"hey broken ankle! GET OFF MY FUCKING BUS!!" I got off the bus and all eyes were on me..

I just kept walking not even Taylor talked me.. she looked at me and looked away..

I went to my locker put some stuff away and went to my first class..

I walked in there early.

"Oh hello Skylar why are you here early?" Ms.Garcia said.

"I broke my ankle and I don't wanna get tackled" I said laughing.

"Okay that's fine " she said smiling.

~after school~

I got beat up by Hunter and Blake at lunch.. I wanted to run home but I couldn't..

I was walking to the bus stop so that I didn't have to walk home.

"SKYLAR!!!" I turned around and saw Hunter.

"CMON!!" He said I walked towards him.

"What?" I asked.

"Jump on my back" Blake said. I gave Hunter my crutches and we started to walk to Brandon's school.

"Why are we--"

"I have to pick up Brandon" Hunter said cutting me off.

"Oh okay" I said giggling at myself.

"I love your giggle" Blake said.

"Thanks" I said hiding my face into his shoulder.

I lifted my face up and we had arrived at Brandon's school.





Blake put me down and we stood there taking pictures with people.

"Skylar I love you so much!" I heard.

"I love you too!" I said.

I took some pictures with some people.

"Skylar I know you broke your ankle but can I get on your back?" A blonde girl who was a little bit shorter than me.

"Uh.. sure!" I said.


Someone took the picture and I heard my name being called I still had the girl on my back.


"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"C'mon" Blake mouthed motioning his hands towards him.

I put the girl down.

"Okay I gotta go guys!" I said. They just kept surrounding me. I tried running out which I did it!

Blake turned and squated a little and I ran and jumped on his back. It was a bit of a struggle since I have the cast on.

Blake fixed my position and then started to run. Along with Hunter and Brandon. Well.. Hunter because Brandon was on his back. We all had our backpacks on still.

After awhile of running we lost all the fans. We started to walk down our rode and Blake put me down so I could walk.

"That was fun" I said.

"Yeah you got to meet your first fans!" Hunter said.

"Second" I said laughing.

"You've meat fans before?" He asked.

"Yeah I was walking out of Best Buy and these fans came up to me" I said.

"well" he said laughing.

"OH MY GOODNESS THE ICE CREAM MAN!!!" Hunter said taking out his wallet and stopping the man.

"Fuck I have no money" he whispered to himself.

"I gotchu" I whispered to him. He just looked shocked.

"Can I get a choco taco?" Brandon asked.

"What else?" The man asked smiling.

"Spiderman icecream" Hunter said.

"Okay! Anything else?" The man asked again.

"Cookie Sandwich!" Blake said.

"And what would you like?" The man asked me.

"Um.. Nutty Buddy please" I said giving him a $10

"Your change $2.67" he said giving me my change and our ice creams.

I thanked him and have everyone their ice creams.

"Thank you!" They all said stuffing their mouths with ice cream.

"You're welcome" I said still opening mine.

"Here" Blake said taking my ice cream opening it.

"Oh.. thanks" I said laughing taking it from him. He looked at me and grabbed my hand. Our fingers interlocked and we continued to eat our ice creams and walk to Hunters.

We walked inside and Christine was dressed all fancy.

"Ooo Mama's got a date!" Hunter said.

"Its work actually" she said.

"Mmhmm" Brandon said.

"Hunter no.. Skylar you're in charge" she said.

"Yeahhhh!!" I said smirking (not a nasty way!!!!)

"Okay well boys be good Skylar.. good luck" she said leaving.

"By the way I have something to tell you all after I get back from work I think you'd be pretty excited!" She said hugging and kissing all of our cheeks.

She left and we all just ate and watched movies.

Ashton came and layed next to me.

"Hi bub" I said.

"Hi" he said cuddling next to me. I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms around him.

We watched Zootopia and Christine walked inside.

"Well thank goodness the house didn't burn down!" She said.

"Okay what's the suprise!!!" Hunter yelled excitedly.

"I'm going on Vacation!" She said.

"And that makes us happy how?" Brandon asked.

"No mom" she said.

"And I'm taking Ashton with me" she said again.


"Cmon Ashton we leave tomorrow oh and heres the another thing!" She said.

We all looked at her in confusion.

"No more public school!" she said.

"Like im not complaining but Why?" Brandon asked.

"Because you guys are becoming famous and stuff you will have to do online school" she said.

"Okay!" We all said and got all happy but then I realized something.. I'm spending more time with Blake and Hunter...

Well Brandon's here so maybe he'll be my super hero!

Well sorry that kinda sucked😓 I don't feel good and I'm not feeling myself at the moment😭 sorry guys😭😭


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