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*Skylars POV*
We went into the other room and Blake tweeted that he was going live. He logged in on his laptop and sat next to me.

"Okay I'm gonna wait for you guys to get here.." he said. I wiped my tears away.

He looked up and saw that there were 5k people there already.

"Okay guys so.. Skylar here has been getting hate because she is around us.. like guys stop if you're really mine or any I the other guys fans you wouldn't hate on her. Yeah I held her hand at the airport I like her!" I looked at him.

"and you want to hate on her what if I was dating her? What if she was dating Hunter or Jacob or anyone else? Does it matter? If all you're gonna do is hate on her than I don't consider you a fan" he said angrily.

I got up and moved behind the laptop and just cried.. I didn't want them to see me crying so that's why I moved. Blake saw me and got up and hugged me. I cried harder.

"Its okay don't cry" he said rubbing my back.

"I can't deal with this anymore" I said.

"Come on we need to explain more stuff" he said.

I nodded my head.

"guys I did use to bully but.. we've made up.." Blake said.

"it's over and done with.. and this hate needs to stop" he said again.

"Well I don't have anything else to say I'm sorry..." he said and ended the broadcast.

I sat in shock.

"I had to announce it" he said.

I went on Snapchat and just took a picture not of me but it was black. I captioned it saying "im sorry guys😔😪"

And left. I went on Twitter and I was getting lots of love. And also on Instagram.

I layed down and so did Blake.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Its okay" I said and we fell asleep together


"Guys we need to get ready" I heard. I woke up and I wasn't in Blake's room.. I was in Camerons?

"How did I get in here?" I asked.

"Blake and Hunter started to argue and fight so I ran and got you. And broke up the fight.

"why were they fighting?!" I said sitting up.

"they were fighting about some deal they had" Cameron said.

"Deal?" I said confused.

"okay.. don't say anything to them about it okay?" Cameron said.

I nodded my head.

"They had a deal to see who could get you to be their girlfriend first.." he said looking down.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled.

"But don't say anything" Aaron said.

"Yeah.. maybe just mess with them" Taylor said.

"hmm.. but how will I get them back on this?" I said out loud.

"flirt with someone.." Cameron suggested.

"like that Jacob kid" Taylor said.

"No!" Cameron said.

"Blake?" Taylor said.

"Youre dumb bro" Cameron said slapping his own forehead.

"Oh yeah" Taylor said laughing

"My bad" he said chuckling to himself.

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