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*Skylars POV*
Joey and I moved to a different table that was bigger so we could sit with everyone. Cameron came over and sat next to me. So I was sitting on between Joey and Cameron. Blake sat across from me.

I just got on my phone.

"Does anyone speak spanish?" Cameron asked.

"I do" I said.

"no one else?" He asked. Everyone else just shook their heads no.

"usted está haciendo las cosas obvias" /tranlate- you're making things obvious / Cameron said.

"¿Realmente importa?" I asked /translate - Does it really matter?/

"Sí es necesario atenerse al plan, no dejar que se sabe que sabe" he said. /Translate- Yes you need to stick to the plan, not letting them know you know/

"Es difícil Cameron no se puede simplemente actuar como usted no sabe" I said getting mad. /translate- It's hard Cameron you can't just act like you don't know/

"Sé Skylar pero hay que esperar de acuerdo? Todo estará bien" he said. /Translate- I know Skylar but just wait okay? Everything will be okay /

I nodded my head. I looked around and everyone had a shocked look on their face.

"what?" I asked.


"yeah.." I said laughing a little.

"since when?!" Blake asked.

"Since forever no one asked so I never mentioned it" I said.

"Dang you're fluent!" Brandon said.

"Yeah" I said laughing.

"what was that whole conversation about?" Aaron said.

"nothing" Cameron and I said at the same time.

"Okay then" Aaron said putting his hands up in surrender.

"CAMERON!!!" we heard. We turned around and saw fans.

"Guys hurry we need to go back up to the room!" Taylor said.

"Okay" everyone said.

We ran to the elevators and since I was the first one in I was squished.

"is everyone in here?" I heard.

I heard a lot of yeahs. Whoever I was behind smelled good.

"Skylar?" I heard.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Where are you?" Someone said.

"I don't know who's in front of me who is this?" I said tapping on the person in front of me.

"Oh shit you scared me! It's Blake" he said.


I squeezed my way through people.

As soon I got to the doors and I was leaning on the doors because we were all squished. And the doors opened so I fell. Along with some of the other guys falling on top of me.

"Ow!" I said. I turned around and Aaron was on top of me.

"Sorry" he said laughing getting up. He held his hand out.

I took his hand and he hugged me so i jusy hugged him laughing. We let go and then we went straight to our hotel room.

"Lets do something fun!" I complained to everyone.

"Like?" Cameron asked.

"The fans are still outside" Jacob said closing the blinds.

"first off.. let's go to an amusment park and second off we can disguise ourselves" I said placing my hands on my hips.

"How can we disguise ourselves it's impossible.." Brandon said.

"Impossible? Please I'm good at this" I said.

I started grabbing clothes, sunglasses, backpacks, Sun tan lotion.

"Okay" I said grabbing the pile of clothes & putting them all in order.

I have everyone their outfits.

"What are these?" Cameron asked.

"Clothes" I said.

"Obviously" Chris said.

"Go change in gonna change too!" I said. Everyone started to change and I went & grabbed an outfit. I put my shorts on and then I kept looking around.

"Anyone got big sweats?" I asked.

"here" Aaron said throwing some sweats at me. They were black. I put them on and they were really baggy on me.

"I need a hoodie or sweatshirt " I said.

"here wear mine" Jacob said giving me his hoodie.

(A/N AND YOU CAN WEAR MY SWEATSHIRT!!! okay sorry I had too😂❤)

"Thank you!" I said taking it and putting it on. It smelt really good to be honest.

I put the hood over my head and got some sunglasses. I grabbed my nike hat and put it on.

"How do I look?" I asked posing. Everyone started to laugh.

"Okay guys so I found an amusement park it's called Luna Park! I called them and were all set to go! Are you ready?" Bart asked and then looked up.

"Are you guys wearing these outfits?" Bart asked.

"no it's a disguise" I said.

"Oh" he said.

"Can you take a picture for me?" I asked Bart. 

"Sure.." he said taking my phone. Me and the guys all posed and bart took the picture.

"Thank you" I said taking my phone.

"Lets go!" He said.

"some of us go to the elevator and the rest of us go down the stairs" Bart said.

"I'm going down the elevator! " I shrieked and went running outside.

They all just stared at me.

"WHAT?!" I said.

Everyone left and we went down. Blake came and held me by my waist. I was gonna let go but I saw Cameron and he gave me a stern look. So I stayed.

We finally reached downstairs and we saw the fans. I got out my phone and took a video.

"You guys are so cute!!" I said to the camera. I pointed the camera from facing me to facing at the fans who didn't even know it was me.

Everyone was getting leaving the doors of the hotel so I piste the video.

"GUYS SKYLAR UPDATED!!!" I heard someone scream.

"THAT WAS ME!!! BUT I DIDN'T EVEN SEE HER"one girl cried.

I got in the van with the boys and the van took off to Luna Park. We all started to get ready for the park. I took the sweats off and have them to Aaron. And i have Jacob his hoodie back.

I got my perfume and sprayed my self.

I fixed my hair and oh my hat and sunglasses back on.


Hey GUYS sorry i havent updated in FOREVER! ive been busy with school but I'm trying I swear!! Anyways yeah i hope you enjoyed this update & I hope you had a great day (:

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