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Me and skylar sat down at a booth in the pizza place.

The waitress came over and asked us what we wanted.

"Well have a large pepperoni pizza?" I asked looking at Skylar.

"Yes" she said smiling.

"Okay sweet lips what would you like to drink?" The waitress asked me.

"Dr pepper babe?" I asked Skylar. Purposely calling her babe so this waitress doesn't try getting with me.

"A cherry coke please" she said.

"I'll be back with your drinks" the waitress said mad.

"Why'd you call me babe?" Skylar said laughing.

"Cuz she called me sweet lips, she probably wanted to get with me so yeah sorry" I said laughing.

"Its okay" I said laughing.

I pulled out my phone and went on snapchat.

"Hold my hand, and smile" I said laughing. She giggled and held my hand smiling.

I captioned it saying 'Date💍❤' I posted it and she did the same with me. Except her caption said 'Date!😻❤'

*Skylar's POV*
I posted the picture on snapchat. He was still holding my hand. I pulled away and started to laugh. The waitress came back with our drinks and left.

"So tell me about yourself" i said to him.

"My name is Geo, I am 17 years old. I am famous from younow. Uhhh I like to work out. I dont know what do you wanna know?" He asked smiling at me.

"My name is Skylar, I'm 15 years old. I am famous from musically I guess, I dont know I do a lot of social media but like more people noticed me from musically. I like to eat and sleep. And im going on tour soon" I said laughing.

"Wow, very interesting" he said laughing.

"Not really" i said.

"Hold on I'll be right back I'm getting a call" he said.

"Okay" I said. He went outside and took his call. The waitress came back with our pizza.

"Here you go, did he leave?" She said.

"He got a phone call" I said.

"Oh.." she said and left. I didn't care. I grabbed a slice of pizza and started to eat. I'm such a fat kid, but like hey! I'm hungry.

*Unknown POV*

-PHONECALL: u-unknown g-geo-

G- hello?
U- did you get her??
G- yes were at the pizza place getting well.. pizza *makes a duh face*
U- no time for games juwany.
G- okay okay. We're also going to a movie..
U- it's not a date juwany! Bring her to the place after you eat, IMMEDIATELY!!

-end of convo-

That bitch just can't get what she wants everytime. She is not gonna tour. She is not gonna do anything except do what I say.

you arent gonna know who I am. Not just yet ;)

*Skylar's POV*
Geo came back he seemed upset..

"You okay?" I asked.

"I supposed" he said smiling at me.

"Hungry much?" He asked.

"Very" I said laughing.

"What movie did you wanna see?" He asked.

"I'm not sure you?" I asked.

"Well maybe we can see--" he was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Sorry" i said feeling embarrassed. I checked the caller id itwas christine.

"I should take this" i said.

"Okay" he said smiling. I got up and went outside to take the phone call.

{C-christine S-Skylar}
C-hi honey.. we stopped by earlier but you werent home? Where are you?
S-I went to get pizza with a friend, don't worry I'll be okay.
C-oh okay hun.. have fun!
S-okay bye christine!
C-bye bye

{End of convo}

I was about to walk inside when I felt a pair of hands go around my mouth. I true to scream but it was muffled. I then felt everything spinning.

Uh oh! Did she kidnapped? And was it Geo who took her?

HOPE YOU ENJOYED GUYS! sorry if this sucked LMAO

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