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*Skylar's POV*
I unpacked everything and went to Christine's room.

"Hey sweetie what's up?" She asked

"Do you have like an air mattress I can use?" I asked.

"You don't want to sleep in the boys bed?" She asked.

"No,no,no it's okay" I said.

"Okay let me go get it for you" she said.

She left and I went back to the boys room and moved some stuff so that I can put the air mattress.

She came back and put the box on the floor.

"Here ya go sweetie!" She said.

"Thank you!" I said as she left.

I set it all up waited for it to blow up a little. All the boys came into the room.

"Woah!" Brandon yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you sure you don't wanna trade?!" He asked.

"Positive" I said laughing.

"Can I sleep on it?" Blake asked.

"With me?" I asked.

"Yeah.." he said.

"I suppose" I said.

I looked at hunter and he looked pissed.

"Hunter do you have like extra sheets and stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah! Come with me" he said as I got my crutches and went after him.

"How are you gonna hold them?" He asked.

"Umm.. throw 'em over my shoulders?" I suggested.

"Okay" he said laughing. He threw them and I don't know if he meant to or if it was an accident but one of the blankets he put on me covered my face.

"Okay let's --oh whoopsies!!" He said as his voice cracked when he said whoopsies.

He moved the blanket from my face.

"Sorry" he said laughing.

"Its okay" I said laughing.

"Let me grab the pillows and you can go back to the room okay?" He said.

"Okay thank you" I said.

"Mmhmm" he said nicely. Wow for once he was nice.

I went back to the room and the blanket fell over my face AGAIN!


I threw the blanket back so I could see and Blake and Brandon were laughing their butts off.

I walked inside and threw everything in the ground.

"Want some help?" Blake asked.

"No worries I got this" I said laughing.

I made the bed and hunter came in with the pillows.

"Here ya go!" He said.

"Thank you" I said taking them from him. I touched his hands by accident. I blushed and so did he.

I took the pillows and set them up.

"There!" I said.

"Can I sit?" Blake asked.

"Yeah!" I said.

We sat on it.. well he sat but I laid on my stomach facing hunter and brandon.

Ashton came running in wearing like armor.


"He left!" Brandon said.

"Ah man!" Ashton said taking off all his armor. I laughed and he came and layed next to me.

He held his hand out and I held it.

"Man Sashton is real!" Hunter said.

I took my phone out and went on snapchat.

Skylar's Snapchat:

Picture ~ Ashton and Skylars hands "Sashton😂😊❤"

Video ~ *Ashton kisses Skylars cheek* *skylar kisses Ashtons cheek* *Ashton hides his face* *Skylar laughs*

I posted both of those and went on Twitter.

I said:
"@AshtonRowland Sashton is real😉😂❤"

He saw it and retweeted it. We all were on our phones messing around.

"I'm hungry" I said getting up and grabbing my crutches.

"I gotchu!" Blake said picking me up bridal style.

"BLAKE!" I screeched and started laughing. I threw my arms around his neck as he took off running down the stairs. I just kept giggling the whole time.

"M'lady" he said putting me down.

"Thank you" I said laughing.

Hunter came in with yelling.

"GET OFF YOU DUTY HEADS!!!" He screamed.

"NOOO!!" We heard Brandon and Ashton yell. Hunter got down the stairs and we saw he had Brandon and Ashton on his legs. I got my phone out and took a picture.

"Sibling goals!" I captioned it and posted it.

Video ~ "BRANDON ASHTON GET OFF!!!" *tries kicking them off* "NOOOO!!!"

I posted it and just kept laughing. I went to the kitchen and went looking for food.

I got out cereal.

"Cereal really?" Hunter said laughing.

"Yes!" I said eating it.

I continued eating and got on my phone. I went to Snapchat and opened my messages to everyone so I could see them.

Ashley😛 ~Picture : "OMG YOU KNOW BLAKE AND HUNTER?!!!! btw! Ilysm💖"
I responded back with a selfie. "Yes I'm staying at hunters for awhile because of my ankle btw! Ily2😊❤"

The rest I answered in messages.

Stacy: Whos b&h? Blake & hunter or Brandon & Hunter?

Me: Blake and Hunter haha we were messing around


Me: ilysm💖

I answered a few more snapchats and felt a pair of hands on my waist.

I turned and saw Hunter.

"Hi?" I asked laughing.

"I'm sorry.." he said.

"Its fine" I said smiling.

"It really isn't" he said.

"Its okay" I said we made eye contact and he was leaning in.

Uh oh! Hunter wyd?!!



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